View PDF Files Without Downloading Or Using Any Software

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I am going to tell you how you can see any PDF file without downloading it or using any software. While suffering on internet whenever I get an PDF file to see I need to download it to see that file and also needed to use a software to view that file (like: Adobe Reader or such).

Image credit: Icon Finder

But using Google Docs Viewer you can
1.       View any PDF file online
2.       Copy-Paste anything
3.       Save file in image format (.png)
4.       After viewing if you want you can download it from there
5.       Can take print directly from there
6.       Save it in your Google Docs A/C

Just put the following link before your PDF file link.

For e.g.:  If your PDF file link is

Then after put the Google Docs Viewer link it will become like this
 To Copy-paste just select the thing you want to copy and paste it where ever you want.

Save As Image
To save it in image format Right-click on the page you want to save and select Save Image As from the drop-down.

To Download
There at the top you will see option to Download, Right-click on it and select Save Link As from the drop-down.

To Print
At the top beside Download option you will see an option to Print, simply Click on it to Print.

Save in Google Docs
At the top beside Download and Print option you will see an option to Save in Google Docs, simply just click on it to save (if you are not login to your Google A/C login page will appear so that you can save it in your A/C)

How To Use Like Button In Your Blog

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will tell you how you can use Facebook Like Button in your blog. Few people asked me how they can use Facebook like button on their blogger blog so here it is. If you don’t have a blog in Blogger then you can create it now.

1.       Go to your Blogger Dashboard –> Design –> Edit HTML –> now tick the Expand Widget Templates for the following blog in which you want to use Facebook Like Button.
2.       Search for the following code (to bring the browser search box press Ctrl + F or F3)
a)       If you want to use it before post and after title
<p class='post-header-line-1'>
b)       If you want to use it after post ends
3.       Now place the following code just after any of the above code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"" + data:post.url + "&layout=standard&show_faces=true&action=like&font=arial&colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:70px;'/>
a)      Things you might need to change
(1)    layout=standard
You can change standard to button_count if you only want to show the button with no. of likes
(2)    show_faces=true
You can change true to false if you don’t want to show the face
(3)    action=Like
You can change Like to Recommend if you want to show recommend instead of like
(4)    font=arial
You can change arial to
(a)    lucida+grande
(b)   segoe+ui
(c)    tahoma
(d)   trebuchet+ms
(e)   verdana
Use anyone of follow font you like
(5)    colorscheme=light
You can change light to dark depending on your template color
(6)    change the width:450px and height:70px depending on your template
(7)    If you want to show Like Button in home page also then remove the following codes
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
4.       Now click on SAVE TEMPLATE, now check your blog everything is working fine
5.       Now everything is fine now again come to Edit HTML page for the same blog
6.       Now find opening head tag you will get it at the top of the page.
7.       Paste it just below the head tag
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' property='og:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.title' property='og:site_name'/> 
<meta content='Your Profile ID' property='fb:admins'/> 
<meta content='Category of your Blog' property='og:type'/>
i)        Things you need to change
(1)    Your Profile ID change it with your profile ID (If you want then you can remove the Profile ID line)
(2)    Category of your Blog choose the category of your blog from Facebook open graph page to go to Facebook open graph page Click here.
Note:- Before editing your Blogger template take the backup of your template by going to Blogger Dashboard –> Design –> Edit HTML –> now click on Download Full Template for the safe side.

Have You Ever Thought Of Printing the Internet

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will help you if you are thinking of printing the internet. Have you ever thought of printing the internet? If yes then here are thing you might need to print the world of Internet.

If you printed the Internet

Now if you are thinking of printing the Internet then please let me know, I hope you will not think. :p