Use Gmail With Your Keyboard By Using Gmail Shortcut Keys

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you about the Gmail Shortcut Keys. If you don’t know about Gmail Shortcut Keys let me tell you that first, in Gmail labs there is a feature called Custom keyboard shortcuts which helps you to do almost everything in Gmail with your keyboard. And if you feel most suitable to work with keyboard then mouse then you need to first enable Custom keyboard shortcuts.

Gmail Keyboard Shortcut Keys
Image credit: masakiishitani

To enable go to, login to your account, then click on Options icon (at top-right corner) –> Mail settings –> Labs tab, from there enable Custom keyboard shortcuts option and Save Changes. Or by simply going to

Now you will able to use keyboard to use Gmail, here are the default Gmail Shortcut Keys


G then I = Goto Inbox

G then S = Goto Starred conversations

G then T = Goto Sent messages

G then D = Goto Drafts

G then A = Goto All mail

G then C = Goto Contacts

G then B = Goto Buzz

G then K = Goto Tasks

G then L = Goto Label

Threadlist selection

* then A = Selectall conversations

* then N = Deselectall conversations

* then R = Selectread conversations

* then U = Selectunread conversations

* then S = Selectstarred conversations

* then T = Selectunstarred conversations


U = Back to threadlist

K = Newer conversation

J = Older conversation

O or Enter = Openconversation; collapse/expand conversation

P = Read previous message

N = Read next message

` = Go to next inbox section

Shift + ` or ~ = Go to previous inboxsection


C = Compose

/ = Search

Q = Focus chat contact search

? = Open shortcut help

G then / = WebSearch


X = Select conversation

S = Rotate superstar

Y = Remove label

E = Archive

M = Ignore conversation

Shift + 1 or ! = Report as spam

Shift + 3 or # = Move to trash

R = Reply

Shift + R = Replyin a new window

A = Reply all

Shift + A = Replyall in a new window

F = Forward

Shift + F = Forwardin a new window

Shift + N = Updateconversation

Tab then Enter = Sendmail

Esc = Focus last chat mole

[ = Remove conversation from current viewand go next

] = Remove conversation from current viewand go previous

{ = Archive conversation and go next

} = Archive conversation and go previous

Z = Undo last action

. = Open more actions menu

Shift + I = Markas read

Shift + U = Markas unread

_ = Mark unread from the selected message

Ctrl + S = Savedraft

Shift + L = Like/UnlikeBuzz

G then W = Createa blank document

Shift + = or + or = = Markas important

- = Mark as not important

H = Sneak peek

Shift + 7 or & or 7 = Launch Old Snake game

Shift + T = Addconversation to Tasks

Shift + / or ? = View all shortcuts key

If you want to change shortcut keys then go to Mail settings page there you will see Keyboard Shortcuts tab, from there you will able to change all the shortcut keys. If you have any question or problem let me know.

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