Create Your Own Waterproof Map

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can make a waterproof map for yourself. If you are going on a trip, hiking or shifted to new town and taking print of few maps with you (in case need to know directions or if you get lost). Then you also need to take care of that map as it is paper map so it can get easily tear, water can fall on it, can get crushed, it can get destroy easily.

Waterproof Map

But you can make a waterproof map for yourself, which won’t easily get tear, if it got crushed you won’t face any problem to read or understand it, even if water falls on it you can simply dry or clean it with a cloth and again use it as before. To make a waterproof map you will need

  • 1 printer
  • 4 sheets of paper
  • 1 quart clear baggie
  • 1 white kitchen garbage bag
  • 1 iron

Using this DIY method you won’t only able to print maps but you can print anything you would like to have for long time, someone’s photo, text, etc.

Thanks LifeHacker for this tip.