How To Install Opera In Different Past Of Your Computer

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can install Opera browser in different past or location of your computer. Whenever we install any software we get the option of choosing the installation location while going through the process of installing but in that process we have to do many clicks Continue reading How To Install Opera In Different Past Of Your Computer

How To Delete Cookies In Six Major Browsers

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can delete cookies from six different browsers (Chrome, Epic, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari). Once I have told you how you can delete cache from different browsers now let me tell you how can delete cookies Continue reading How To Delete Cookies In Six Major Browsers

Add Unread Count Of Your Emails In Gmail Inbox To Gmail’s Favicon

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can get notified you have new email by seeing Gmail’s favicon (icon). When we visit websites other than Gmail we can find out if we have any new unread email or not by seeing the title of Gmail tab/window but Continue reading Add Unread Count Of Your Emails In Gmail Inbox To Gmail’s Favicon

HTML5 cheatsheet

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell and show you HTML5 Cheatsheet. HTML5 is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, a core technology of the Internet. It is the latest revision of the HTML standard (originally created in 1990) and currently remains under development. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers etc.) Continue reading HTML5 cheatsheet

How To Clear Cache In Six Major Browsers

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can clear cache in six major browsers (Chrome, Epic, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari). All of you have heard word cache but do you know what cache is? When you visit a site for first time it takes little time to load as compare to you visit the same site again for second time. It will load faster in second time as because when you visited that site for the first time it store some data from that site in your computer. So when you visit that same site again instead of collecting those data from the internet, those stored data in your computer where collected which make it load faster.

So when any changes where made in data it won’t get change in your cache, so that’s why sometime we were told to delete the cache. So here how you can delete the cache in six different browsers.

1.       Open your browser
2.       Click on Customize and control button (top-right corner of the browser)
3.       Now click on Options

4.       Select Under the Hood tab
5.       Under Privacy you will see Clear browser data… click on it

6.       Now tick the Empty the cache box
7.       And select the period of how old cache you want to delete (e.g.: last hour, last day, Last week and so on)

8.       Now click on Clear browsing data

Now your browser cache is deleted.

1.       Open your browser
2.       Go to Tool –> Options… –> Privacy –> clear your recent history

3.       Select the time range, how old cache you want to delete (e.g.: last hour, last day, Last week and so on)
4.       Now tick the Cache box
5.       Then click on OK button

Now your browser cache is deleted.

1.       Open your browser
2.       Go to Tool –> Options… –> Privacy –> clear your recent history

3.       Select the time range, how old cache you want to delete (e.g.: last hour, last day, Last week and so on)
4.       Now tick the Cache box
5.       Then click on Clear Now button

Now your browser cache is deleted.

Internet Explorer
1.       Open your browser
2.       Go to Tools –> Internet Options

3.       Under General tab you will see Delete button click on it

4.       Tick Temporary Internet files
5.       Then click on Delete button

Now your browser cache is deleted.

1.       Open your browser
2.       Go to Menu –> Settings –> Preferences…

3.       A popup will open in that popup
4.       Go to Advanced –> History

5.       Click on Empty Now button

Now your browser cache is deleted.

1.       Open your browser
2.       Press Alt (if you can’t see the menu bar at top)
3.       Now go to Edit –> Empty Cache…

4.       Now a popup will open
5.       In that popup click on Empty button

Now your browser cache is deleted.
Tip: – For instance you can use Ctrl+R to delete the cache for that particular page you are in.

If you have any questions or problem let me know

If Web Browsers Were Celebrities

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will show you an Info-graphic web browser getting compare with celebrities. This Info-graphic is made by Shane Snow for Wix and Walyou. Where FireFox is compared with Morgan Freeman, Chrome is compared with Christopher Nolan and more such (more see below).

What do you think about them?
And do anyone of you thinking of making it in Indian version?