Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will tell you about New Twitter. Today Twitter announced their new layout and features in twitter .com, which is going to be a good challenge for all the Twitter Desktop Apps.

In new Twitter 1st of all you will notice two wide panels and a navigation (nav) bar on top. Left panel is for Timeline and the right panel is for the other details, you will also see the right panel size is become twice as before, so that you can get more details.
If you click on a tweet, it will appear on the right panel with extra details like: how many people who have retweeted it and if that tweet contains any video or image link it will get embedded below, for that Twitter have partnered with 16 companies like YouTube, Flickr, USTREAM, TwitPic and so on.
Now you have a shortcut button to tweet in right side of nav bar and @Mentions, Retweets, Searches and List option gone at the top in Timeline panel.
As before if you visit any profile’s or your own Followers and Following list you huge to see their last tweet but now you will see their bio written below.
Now if you click on geotag it will open within the same page. Not as before it will open a new Google Maps window.
Twitter Settings options is as before it was, no changes in that.

And here are the some Shortcuts keys for Twitter.com
· f = Favorite
· r = Reply
· t = Retweet
· m = Direct Message
· n = New Tweet
· ? = List Of Shortcut Keys
· j = Next Tweet
· K = Previous Tweet
· space bar = Page Down
· / = Search
· . (dot) = Refresh Tweets and Back To Top

Image Credit: TNW
Note: New Twitter is not rollout for everyone it is still in testing, they are rolling it slowly to everyone.
Also see this video by Twitter
And if you are using New Twitter or after reading this let us know what you think about it.