Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can make your proper to-do list. If you have lots of to-do notes on your computer desktop or you stick on a board near your work space to remember your to-do list. Then your desktop or board must have got filled with those sticker and even sometime you might ran out of space also.

There is a service called PegBy which lets you create and manage to-do list. They have many very user-friendly UI, after you login by default you get three columns (which says Pending, In Process and Done) and you will able to add up to twenty columns. You can also add different boards for different kinds of work or project and you will also able to share those boards which your friends.
In your notes you can attach files, add tags, change the color of notes, etc., you can easily drag-drop your notes anywhere, you also get a personal email address (each board have different address) so that you can email your notes when you don’t want to open PegBy to create new notes.
It will work with your registered email address with PegBy, if you want you can add more email address to your account. In case if you want to take backup or want to send a copy of your board to someone then you will also able to download them as YAML file.