Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can send yourself email without login anywhere. For instance if you are on a public computer or on a friend’s computer which you don’t feel secure to login to your account but you need to take some important notes, so how will you take?
There you can use Futz.me, it let you simply send emails to your inbox with the important notes you want to take, without login anywhere. Go to Futz.me and signup for an account (try to use username which little hard to guess for anyone but it’s easy to remember for you).

Now whenever you need to note anything just type this in your address bar futz.me/abc<space><your massage, URL or anything you want> and it will send you email to registered email address. Replace abc with your Futz.me’s username then a blank space then your massage or URL or anything you like and press enter.
Futz.me/abc I need to call my sister after I reach home
Futz.me/abc http://sjbn.co/
You will also able to update your Twitter account use Fatz.me, simply go to Futz.me/abc/t YOUR_TWEET and for the first time it will ask you to authorize this app then from next time in same way you will able to send tweets without login to your account. There are some other useful stuffs it have, e.g. if you want to send massage to more than one account then you can add each username one after another separating with forward slash (/) here an example Futz.me/abc/xyz/vtla, here abc, xyz and vtla are three different username. There are a lot more you can check them on their website.
If you are from US then you can also receive SMS/MMS on your mobile phone. If you got to know someone’s Futz.me’s username then you can enjoy sending him/her lots of emails or vice-versa. It also have a extension for your Google Chrome web browser.