Whenever we write any article, latter or anything most of the time we make spelling errors and grammatical mistakes and if we are using any software like Microsoft Word, Windows Live Writer, OpenOffice, WordPress, Blogger.com, etc. they have inbuilt spell-checker which helps us from some embarrassment by detecting our spelling mistake.
But even though that doesn’t help much when we are typing correct spelling but it doesn’t match with the sentence. For instance massages and messages both are correct for spell-checker. And these kinds of errors can easily get ignored by our eyes when we do proofreading (recheck for errors).
So to solve such kind errors and mistakes we have an online tool called After the Deadline (AtD). It is powerful tool which checks typos, grammatical mistakes and give style suggestions. It is available as Plugin for Windows Live Writer, self-hosted WordPress blog, bbPress, pre integrated options in WordPress.com blog and IntenseDebate comment system, add-on for the Firefox, extension for the Google Chrome, bookmarklet for all web browsers, extension for OpenOffice.org Writer and online web app.

When you will check using AtD, it will underline all the errors with three direct color red for spelling error, green for grammar suggestion and blue for style suggestion. You can simply right-click on those errors and it will show you the suggestions, by click on explain it will explain you what could be the reason behind that error or you can click on ignore to ignore that error. It works in five different languages English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.
OpenOffice/Windows Live Writer
For OpenOffice you can download plugin from here. For Windows Live Writer it is available as Grammar Checker Plugin, which uses AtD service to check typos, grammatical mistakes and give style suggestions. After you will install MSI file, select the context you want to check, then go to Insert tab and click on option called Grammar Checker. You need to repeat these steps till you don’t complete you checking as you can’t check your entire post in one go.
Web Browser
If you use Google Chrome then you can download the extension for it, if you use Firefox then you can download add-on for if or if you are using any other web browser then add bookmarklet to your browser bookmark bar from this page.
WP.com/Self-Hosted WordPress/bbPress/IntenseDebate
For blogs hosted of WordPress.com has built-in proofreading. For self-hosted WordPress blogs you can download plugin from here. For bbPress forums you can download plugin from here. Read here about IntenseDebate comment system.
Web App
Polish My Writing is an online app by AtD (After the Deadline). Where you can simply copy-past or compose your own context and click on Check Writing button to check.