Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you about Google AdSense Allowed Sites option. I was thinking about AdSense Allowed Sites option from many days, will it help me in my AdSense earning or not, and if it will help, then how? So I got some points on how it will help and how it will not.

How it will help if you are using this feature, these things can happen with anyone,
v When someone copy your AdSense ads code (copying anyone’s AdSense ads code is very easy) and paste in on their site, sites which can violations AdSense policies which can bring your AdSense account in danger and also your account can get block forever.
v If you have a competitor or enemy who wants that you to use AdSense they can massively click on your AdSense ads and get your account banned.
v There are some crazy persons also who click on ads just for fun. (I have a friend like that, I restricted him not to go on my any of my blog… :P)
v Like if you are a developer and you are creating a WordPress theme, for testing purpose you have placed your AdSense ads code on that theme and later on you have forgotten to remove your AdSense ads code and you have uploaded it and made that theme available to for public use. Now people who will download your theme will use it on their localhost or online with your AdSense ads code. And if that person is doing modification in that and your ads are keeping getting refresh again and again.
How it can decrease your AdSense earning, As if you turn it on defiantly you will see there will be a down fall in your monthly earning as because
v When your site goes down visitors use cache from Google/Yahoo/Bing and other search engines
v The people who want to see your site in different language then it is they use online translate services
v If your site is block in some countries then they use proxy servers
v Some social sites use iframe to display external sites and links
As in this how you will lose is when you will add your sites in Allowed Sites option and when visitors will visit your site using in the given above way Google will display ads but any earnings will not be shared with you.
Now if you want to turn on the Allowed Sites option here are steps
Using AdSense old interface
1. Go to AdSense.com
2. Login to you account
4. Now select Only allow certain sites to show ads for my account
5. Now list all the site/blog you have
6. Then click on Save Changes

Using AdSense new interface
1. Go to AdSense.com
2. Login to you account
4. Now tick Only allow certain sites to show ads for my account box
5. Now list all the site/blog you have
6. Then click on Save

Note: while listing your blog or site name do not add WWW in your domain name
Will you turn it on? As personally I am not using it.