How To Host Files On Google Code

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can host files in Google code. As few my reader asked me how they can host files in Google code to so that they can create Playlist using JW Player (about creating playlist I will tell in next post) here is how you can. And hosting files in Google code not only help you in creating playlist for JW Player or any just it can also help you in many other ways like, hosting JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and many more. This can help you in blog also.

Here how you can create a project where you will host your file(s)
1.       Go to
2.       At the bottom click on Create a new project
3.       Now fill the form accordingly
4.       After filling the form click on Create project button

Now your project is made where you can host your file(s)

Here how you can host your files
1.       Go to your project
i)        Go to
ii)       At the top-right corner of the page click on My favorites
iii)     Now select the project in which you want to host your file(s)

2.       Click on Downloads tab
3.       Then click on New download
4.       Fill the form accordingly and attach the file you want to host
5.       Then click on Submit file button

Now your file is hosted on Google code

Here how you can get the link of hosted file
1.       Go to the project where you have hosted the file
i)        Go to
ii)       At the top-right corner of the page click on My favorites
iii)     Now select the project in which you want to host your file(s)

2.       Click on Downloads tab
3.       Now right lick on the download icon (beside the file of which you want the link)
4.       Now select
i)        Chrome : Copy link address
ii)       Epic/FireFox : Copy Link Location
iii)     Internet Explorer : Copy Shortcut
iv)     Opera : Copy Link Address
v)      Safari : Copy Link

5.       Now use that link copied link wherever/however you want
If you have any suggestion or want to tell anything let me know

Get Full Control Of Your Blog Feeds

HI! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can control on your blog RSS feeds. If you are using for your blog, till now you get only three options (None, Short and Full) on the contents you want to show in your blog feeds. But now introduced one more option by which you get full control to show how much content will appear in blog feed.

Here how you can
1.       Go to
2.       Login to your account
3.       Click on Settings –> Site Feed (on the blog you want to do)
4.       There you will see Allow Blog Feeds
5.       Beside that click on drop-down menu and select Until Jump Break

6.       Click on SAVE SETTINGS

Now wherever you will give (Jump Breaks) in the between the post, in feed it will show only that much till where you have given jump break.

Note: – When you will give jump break in blog home page, label page and archive page it will also till there where you have given jump break.

How To Enable Moble Version Template On Blog

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can enable mobile version template in your blog. Today when I login to I show Blogger has bought one new feature for mobile readers. You can only able to enable it through Blogger in Draft.

In Blogger mobile template now have only 6 templates. If you are using any templates from Blogger Template Designer then your blog will look same in mobile and if you are using any custom Blogger template then you will get simple look in mobile. In mobile all gadgets/elements may not support, for now it will supports gadgets/elements like Header, Blog, Profile, AdSense, Attribution. And using mobile anyone will able to make comments and watch videos. And if you are showing Adsense ads using HTML/JavaScript gadget then it won’t display ads, to show ads in mobile you have to use Adsense gadget or using Show Ads Between Posts tool, it will show ad at the top of the post page or at the bottom of the index page.

Here how you can
1.       Go to
2.       Login to your account (using ID and Password)
3.       Click on setting (for the blog you want to enable)
4.       Then go to Email & Mobile option
5.       There you will see written Mobile Template (beta)
6.       Select the Yes, On mobile devices, show the mobile version of my template. Radio button
7.       If you want to see how it will look in mobile click on MOBILE PREVIEW button
8.       Then click on SAVE SETTINGS button at the bottom of the page

Now a small script is added in your blog by which if any user will visit your blog using smartphone (WebKit-based mobile browsers are supported for our initial launch.) they will get redirect to mobile device template page.
If anyone wants to see how there blog will look in mobile device just add ?m=1 after the URL of your blog.

To see how my blog will look in a mobile Click here

Add YouTube Videos To Your Blog Directly From

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can upload, search and add videos to your blog. Yesterday night Google introduced a new feature in (Blogger in Draft). Now you don’t have to open a new tab/window to search for a YouTube video then copy-paste the code. You can directly search YouTube videos or add your own YouTube videos from Blogger in Draft.

To search and add YouTube videos directly from
1.       Go to
2.       Click on NEW POST in which you want to post
3.       Click on Compose tab if it is not selected
4.       In the menu bar you will see video icon click on it
5.       To upload video, search from YouTube or to select from your YouTube account do the following
i)        To upload video select Upload (Note: – the videos you will upload will not get uploaded to your YouTube account, it will go to
ii)       To search video from YouTube, select From YouTube
iii)     To select videos from your YouTube account, select My YouTube videos

6.       After doing any one of the above (in step 5) click on Select button

To post video from YouTube
1.       Go to that video page which video you want to post
2.       Click on share button below that video player
3.       Now click on Blogger icon

4.       A popup will open with that video’s iframe embed code
5.       Now post whatever you want to with that video

How To Use And Earn From JW Player In Your Blog

[This article was updated on 6th February, 2012]

Few days back one of my reader asked me how I use JW Player in my blog as he also wanted add JW Player to play videos in his blog, then I thought to write an article on it so everyone can learn about it. LongTail Video is a leading company behind the JW Player Continue reading How To Use And Earn From JW Player In Your Blog

Create And View Your Own Twitter API

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will help you in creating new and viewing existing Twitter API key. By creating Twitter API you will able adds some twitter features in your blog/website (like: hover card, tweet box, follow me button and many more). Here is few simple steps to get your Twitter API key.

For New Twitter user:-
1.       Login to your Twitter account using
2.       Search and click on the Developers (see at footer of right side panel) or Click here

3.       Click on the 2nd option (Register an app)

4.       Now fill the form accordingly
5.       After filling the form click on Register application
6.       Read the TWITTER API TERMS OF SERVICE careful
7.       If you agree with their click on I Accept
8.       And if you don’t then you won’t get the Twitter API
9.       After clicking on I Accept you will redirect to a page where you will able to see all the details and your API key.

For Old Twitter user:-
1.       Login to your Twitter account using
2.       Search and click on the API (see at bottom of the page) or Click here

3.       Click on the 2nd option (Register an app)

4.       Now fill the form accordingly
5.       After filling the form click on Register application
6.       Read the TWITTER API TERMS OF SERVICE careful
7.       If you agree with their click on I Accept
8.       And if you don’t then you won’t get the Twitter API
9.       After clicking on I Accept you will redirect to a page where you will able to see all the details and your API key.

View Your Existing API
1.       Follow the 1st and 2nd step from the above following
2.       Now see at the top of the page
3.       You will see its written Your apps click on it

4.       Now you can see all your apps you have created

How To Use Like Button In Your Blog

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will tell you how you can use Facebook Like Button in your blog. Few people asked me how they can use Facebook like button on their blogger blog so here it is. If you don’t have a blog in Blogger then you can create it now.

1.       Go to your Blogger Dashboard –> Design –> Edit HTML –> now tick the Expand Widget Templates for the following blog in which you want to use Facebook Like Button.
2.       Search for the following code (to bring the browser search box press Ctrl + F or F3)
a)       If you want to use it before post and after title
<p class='post-header-line-1'>
b)       If you want to use it after post ends
3.       Now place the following code just after any of the above code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"" + data:post.url + "&layout=standard&show_faces=true&action=like&font=arial&colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:70px;'/>
a)      Things you might need to change
(1)    layout=standard
You can change standard to button_count if you only want to show the button with no. of likes
(2)    show_faces=true
You can change true to false if you don’t want to show the face
(3)    action=Like
You can change Like to Recommend if you want to show recommend instead of like
(4)    font=arial
You can change arial to
(a)    lucida+grande
(b)   segoe+ui
(c)    tahoma
(d)   trebuchet+ms
(e)   verdana
Use anyone of follow font you like
(5)    colorscheme=light
You can change light to dark depending on your template color
(6)    change the width:450px and height:70px depending on your template
(7)    If you want to show Like Button in home page also then remove the following codes
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
4.       Now click on SAVE TEMPLATE, now check your blog everything is working fine
5.       Now everything is fine now again come to Edit HTML page for the same blog
6.       Now find opening head tag you will get it at the top of the page.
7.       Paste it just below the head tag
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' property='og:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.title' property='og:site_name'/> 
<meta content='Your Profile ID' property='fb:admins'/> 
<meta content='Category of your Blog' property='og:type'/>
i)        Things you need to change
(1)    Your Profile ID change it with your profile ID (If you want then you can remove the Profile ID line)
(2)    Category of your Blog choose the category of your blog from Facebook open graph page to go to Facebook open graph page Click here.
Note:- Before editing your Blogger template take the backup of your template by going to Blogger Dashboard –> Design –> Edit HTML –> now click on Download Full Template for the safe side.