Last year when I shifted my blog from Blogger to self-hosted WordPress platform, I faced authentication problem, while importing my post from Blogger to WordPress I used Blogger import plugin but Continue reading How To Register Domain With Google To Import Your Blog Post From Blogger To WordPress
Tag: domain
Total Domain Name Registrations Chart
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you about total domain name registered worldwide. According to VeriSign more than 201.8 million domain name registrations across all Top Level Domains (TLDs), an increase of 3.8 million domain names, or 2 percent over the second quarter. Registrations have grown by 13.3 million, or 7 percent over the past year. The base of Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) was 79.2 million domain names, a 1.4 percent increase quarter over quarter, and 2.4 percent year-over-year.

There are many sites which use millions of sub domains (like *, * and many more) and those are not counted the above repot.
How To Host Blog On Your Own Custom Domain
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can use blog on your own domain. Making blog in is one of the easiest way to start with for bingers. And with that having a custom domain instead of using * is plus point for the SEO of your blog. So let see how we can host blog on custom domain

After you shift your blog to new domain you don’t have worry about your old visitors who know your old * address when they will visit through old address they will get redirect to your new one.
For those who already have domain
1. Go to the website where your domain is hosted
2. Login to your account
3. Now go to the place you can get access to your DNS Management or Name Server Management
4. Now delete the existing CNAME for the address you want for your blog (if it is already created)
5. Now create new CNAME and give the address for your blog and in the place of CNAME give
If you are using any of this sites to host your domain, click on them to know how you can do the above process in them
v 1and1
v No-IP
v DNS Park
6. After your site pointed out to Google success fully go to
7. Login to your account
8. Go to Settings –> Publishing (for the blog you want)
9. Now go to Custom Domain –> Switch to advanced settings
10. Now enter the domain for which you created the CNAME
11. Now fill the Word Verification
12. Then click on SAVE SETTINGS
For those who buying new domain
1. Go to Settings –> Publishing (for the blog you want)
2. Now go to Custom Domain
3. Type the domain name you want
4. Fill the word verification box
6. You will see a Google page where it will be written is available or is already registered (If it’s already registered then chose the other domain). Then click on Continue button.
7. Now fill the form accordingly and don’t forget to read and tick the Agreements. If you don’t agree with their Agreement then you can’t have a custom domain from them.
8. Now click on I accept. Proceed to Google Checkout » (click only if you accept the Agreement).
9. Now you will see the Google checkout page where they will ask you to add Credit Card details (before giving the credit card details please check it that the link should be something like this { ?o=shoppingcart&shoppingcart;=xxxxx} )
They will ask Credit Card details if you have never added it before or it got expired.
10. Now go through the following steps as they tell and read everything carefully.
Now go to your blog through old address and see you will get redirect to your blog on the new domain.
For more details about custom domain Click here
If you have any question or problem let me know.
History Of The Internet
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today this post I will show you History of the Internet. Instead of saying much, let see the Timeline Infographic and a video on History of the Internet.

Here is a video on more insight about History of the Internet.
If you are having problem in viewing the videos Click here.
Changes In Google Search Due To Google Instant
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will tell you about the things got change due to Google Instant. Yesterday Google launched a new feature called Google Instant, which is quite impressive. But with this new feature there are something’s which got change or won’t work in Google Instant Continue reading Changes In Google Search Due To Google Instant
Get your new business domain on .Co
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today (20th July, 2010), a new domain in coming for your .Company website.
If you haven’t registered your domains till now or missed out the .com domains for your .Company?
Now you can get the .Co domains for your .Company. Registry operator for .Co domains is .CO Internet S.A.S., today they announced that .Co domains are available through GoDaddy,, Network Solutions and many more.
(Updated at 20 July 2010 on 10:12pm IST) You can buy .Co domain at $29.99
(Updated at 20 July 2010 on 10:12pm IST) You can buy .Co domain at $29.99
.Co domain was founded in year 1991 it was used as ccTLD (Country code top-level domain) in Colombia. But now .Co domains are available as TDS (Top-level domain) same as .com domain, it means they are available to everyone and it is on the basis of 1st come, 1st serve. It is widely recognized as a .co (second level) by more than 20 different countries as (India), (UK), (Japan) and many more.
The early buyer of .Co domain was Twitter as and it is get use for the twitter link service. And domain is sold for $81,000.
Get it now before someone else takes it…