Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I am going to tell you about how you can use LinkedIn share button on your website/blog. Today LinkedIn launched there new official share button. There are three types of share button same as we have for Twitter official Tweet button Continue reading How To Use LinkedIn Official Share Button On Your Website Or Blog
Tag: Share
Download Yahoo! Messenger 11 BETA
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Finally my project is completed and gone good, now just waiting for an online exam which can be held within two weeks and thanks to all of you for your wishes and your patience for my irregular update on my blog. Anyways, today in this post I will tell you about Yahoo! Messenger 11 BETA. Yahoo! have came up with a new messenger, with lots for great new features that can help you in staying connected with your favorite Social Network.

Here are some features of new Yahoo! messenger 11 BETA
1. Play Social games: – Now you can play many social games from Zynga, OMGPOP and ELEX.
From Zynga you can play Fishville and Mafia Wars
From OMGPOP you can play Balloono, Pool, Draw My Thing
From Elex you can play Happy Harvest and Happy Manor
2. Keep Yourself Updated: – Now you can get access to your Yahoo! Pulse, Facebook, Twitter and many more.
3. Facebook Chat:- You can now chat with your Facebook friends right from Yahoo! messenger 11
4. Access From Multiple PC:- Now you can sign-in to your Yahoo ID from more than one PC, as before you can’t sign-in to Yahoo! from more than one PC (personally I liked that thing as because if someone got to know my Yahoo! password then I could able to get to know that someone is opening my A/C)
5. Chat Archive:- now your chat with your friends will get save online as before all the chats we do get save on our PC (I was wishing for this feature in Yahoo! Messenger 10)
To download Yahoo! Messenger 11 BETA Click here.
Send Large File To Anyone Using Adobe SendNow
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can share files using Adobe SendNow. Adobe have started a new online service called SendNow, which let you send file to anyone you want.

For free account Adobe SendNow lets you send file up to 100 MB and the file will automatically get deleted after seven days or you can delete it manually whenever you want (before seven days from the time you have uploaded). Total you can keep up to 500 MB. you won’t be able to send more than one file at a time. To use this service you need to sign-in if you have an account in Adobe.com or you can sign-up for free.
For Premium account Adobe SendNow charge $9.99 in that you can send up to 2 GB file for windows user and 1 GB file for Mac user and your file will never get deleted automatically till you don’t delete it or you can set the time limit. Send more than one file at a time. All the file you will send, you will get conformation that your file is sent. And even you can track when you file is been getting downloaded.
Here how you can send file
1. Just go to SendNow.Adobe.com
2. Sign-in/sign-up to/for your account
3. Select Send Files tab
4. Now select the file you want to send
5. Type the email address to whom you want to send and other details
6. Then click on Send Now

However still there is limitation is sending file like Music, Video, Fonts, .exe, WinRAR and etc. Currently you can only send files like PDF, Zip, Office files and etc.
How To Use Like Button In Your Blogger.com Blog
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will tell you how you can use Facebook Like Button in your Blogger.com blog. Few people asked me how they can use Facebook like button on their blogger blog so here it is. If you don’t have a blog in Blogger then you can create it now.

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard –> Design –> Edit HTML –> now tick the Expand Widget Templates for the following blog in which you want to use Facebook Like Button.
2. Search for the following code (to bring the browser search box press Ctrl + F or F3)
a) If you want to use it before post and after title
<p class='post-header-line-1'>
b) If you want to use it after post ends
3. Now place the following code just after any of the above code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=" + data:post.url + "&layout=standard&show_faces=true&action=like&font=arial&colorscheme=light"' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:70px;'/>
a) Things you might need to change
You can change
to button_count
if you only want to show the button with no. of likes(2)
You can change
to false
if you don’t want to show the face(3)
You can change
to Recommend
if you want to show recommend instead of like(4)
You can change
to (a)
Use anyone of follow font you like
You can change
to dark
depending on your template color(6) change the
and height:70px
depending on your template(7) If you want to show Like Button in home page also then remove the following codes
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
4. Now click on SAVE TEMPLATE, now check your blog everything is working fine
5. Now everything is fine now again come to Edit HTML page for the same blog
6. Now find opening head tag you will get it at the top of the page.
7. Paste it just below the head tag
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' property='og:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.title' property='og:site_name'/>
<meta content='Your Profile ID' property='fb:admins'/>
<meta content='Category of your Blog' property='og:type'/>
i) Things you need to change
Your Profile ID
change it with your profile ID (If you want then you can remove the Profile ID line)(2)
Category of your Blog
choose the category of your blog from Facebook open graph page to go to Facebook open graph page Click here.Note:- Before editing your Blogger template take the backup of your template by going to Blogger Dashboard –> Design –> Edit HTML –> now click on Download Full Template for the safe side.
Twitter Tweet Button For Your Blog, Website And Browser
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I am going to tell you how you can use Twitter’s new twit button in your blog or website. You might have show many retweets button from 3rd party service (like: tweetmeme). But twitter have official bought there retweet button in 3 sizes (
Vertical count: 55x62 px, Horizontal count: 110x20 px and No count: 55x20 px
You can use this retweet button in 3 different ways.
1. By using JavaScript
<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<a class="twitter-share-button" href="http://twitter.com/share">Tweet</a>
2. By using iframe
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html" style="width:130px; height:50px;"></iframe>
3. By customizing your own retweet button
<a href="http://twitter.com/share">Tweet</a>

For WordPress.com Users
In Word Press you can only use tweet button in Horizontal size (110×20 px)
1. Login to your wordpress.com (wp) account
2. Go to the following blog in which you want to place your tweet button
3. Now go to Appearance –> Extras
4. There you will see few tick box option
5. In that you will see its written Show a Twitter “Tweet Button” on my posts.
6. Tick that box then click on Update Extras »

7. And it’s done
For Blogger Users
1) Login to your Blogger.com account
2) Go to Design –> Edit HTML –> then click on Expand Widget Templates for the following blog in which you want to use tweet button
3) Search for the following code (to bring the browser search box press Ctrl + F or F3)
a) If you want to use it before post and after title
<p class='post-header-line-1'>
b) If you want to use it after post ends
4) Place the code just after the above code
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style='float:right; padding:10px;'>
<a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='vertical' data-related=Jajodia_Saket:Tecko Blog...' data-via='SaketJajodia' expr:data-text='data:post.title' expr:data-url='data:post.url' href='http://twitter.com/share' rel='nofollow'>Tweet</a>
<script src='http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js' type='text/javascript'/>
5) Things you might need to change
a) If you want to show this tweet button in home page then remove the following codes
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
b) Change or remove as per your suitability
style='float:right; margin-left:10px;'
If you want to change it then
change right
to center
or leftIn
change 10
to any number as you feel suitable with your template
c) If you want to change the size
data-count=’ data-count=’vertical‘ ‘
to horizontal
or none as you feel suitable
d) Change SaketJajodia with your twitter username
6) Here is one more plain and simple tweet button you can use
<style media='screen' type='text/css'>
#custom-tweet-button a {
display: block;
padding: 2px 5px 2px 20px;
background: url('http://a0.twimg.com/images/favicon.gif')left center no-repeat;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<div id='custom-tweet-button'>
<a rel='nofollow' expr:href='"http://twitter.com/share?text=" + data:post.title + " &via=SaketJajodia&related=Jajodia_Saket:Tecko%20Blog... "' target='_blank'>Tweet</a>
Change the SaketJajodia with your twitter username
Note: Before editing your template, 1st backup your template for safe side, by clicking on Download Full Template in Edit HTML page
To add in self hosted website
To add in self hosted website
1) Go to the page where you can have access to edit you website HTML
2) Now find the place where you want add tweet button
3) Now place the following code as per your suitability
a) Using JavaScript
<a rel='nofollow' href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="SaketJajodia" data-related="Jajodia_Saket:Tecko Blog">Tweet</a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>
i) To add the Horizontal count: 110×20 px
to horizontal
ii) To add the No count: 55×20 px
to none
b) To add the plain and simple tweet button
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#custom-tweet-button a {
display: block;
padding: 2px 5px 2px 20px;
background: url('http://a4.twimg.com/images/favicon.gif')left center no-repeat;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<div id="custom-tweet-button">
<a href="http://twitter.com/share?text=&via=SaketJajodia&related=Jajodia_Saket:Tecko%20Blog..." rel='nofollow' target="_blank">Tweet</a>
c) Using iframe
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html" style="width:130px; height:50px;"></iframe>
4) Change the SaketJajodia with your twitter username
To customize your own tweet button
You can customize your own tweet button using this link http://twitter.com/share
For more info Click here
For Chrome users
To use tweet button in your Google Chrome browser, you can use a Chrome extension by Shareaholic. It works as the Twitter tweet button works and it also shows how many tweets have been done in the following page.

If you have anything to tell about Twitter new tweet button please let us know. Even if you have customize your own tweet button.
Things You Should Know While Choosing A Password
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I am going to tell you the common word and combinations you shouldn’t use for passwords and the things you should know about while choosing a password Continue reading Things You Should Know While Choosing A Password