Trace (Track) State/City and Service Provider Of Any Mobile Number You Want

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can track someone’s mobile phone number. If someone is disturbing you and sending lots of SMSs and miss calls and you want to know who is the service provider of that person’s phone number and which state or city he is from Continue reading Trace (Track) State/City and Service Provider Of Any Mobile Number You Want

Get Two Email IDs In Different Domain When You Signed up For One

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can get two email IDs in different domain when you signed up for Whenever you sign up for a Gmail account you will able to see that you are getting an email ID something like but actually you are getting two email ID Continue reading Get Two Email IDs In Different Domain When You Signed up For One

Remove (Revoke Access) Third Party Apps (OAuth) From Your Twitter Account

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can remove third-party access from your Twitter account. Most of you must be using Twitter to share updates and also to stay updated. And sometime you must even use your Twitter account to connect with your with different websites and applications Continue reading Remove (Revoke Access) Third Party Apps (OAuth) From Your Twitter Account

All About Comment Settings

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you about comment settings. Comment is one of the important parts in blogging. This helps you in getting feedback, interactions with visitors and many more ways. So to have proper settings of comments is important, Continue reading All About Comment Settings

Get Hotmail Alias Email Address Without Creating New Email Account

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you about Hotmail new feature by which you can get additional email address in your existing Hotmail account. Hotmail recently announced a new feature called Hotmail alias.

Hotmail Logo

It will help you in managing more than one email address in same account you don’t even need to create a new email account for that you can use in your existing Hotmail account.

It will help you like if you want to manage different email address for personal use, professional use and daily newsletters updates. And like if you were asked to give your email address in some websites but you don’t trust (may they can SPAM you) on those websites, so you can create a temporary email address using Hotmail alias so if they SPAM you can delete that email address at any point of time.

To get an alias email address just

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account
  3. At the left column click on More actions for inbox (when you bring the cursor on Inbox folder)
  4. Select Create a Hotmail alias
  5. Create a Hotmail alias

  6. Type the email address you want
  7. Click on Create an alias button
  8. Create an alias

  9. Now give the name of the folder in which those email will come (or if you want they will come to inbox instead of any separate folder)
  10. Then click on Done button
  11. Great, we're setting up your new alias

Now use that email ID wherever you want. Every time you will create an alias email address you will receive an email Hotmail Team that Your new Hotmail alias is ready.

To delete alias email address

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account
  3. Go to
  4. Beside ever email address you will see written remove, click on the one you want to remove
  5. Your Hotmail email addresses

  6. Then they will ask you to conform that you want to remove this email address, click on Remove button
  7. Remove an email address

Now your alias email address is removed.

You can only have maximum 5 alias email address in a year and all total you can have 15 alias email address.

Do share with us how you are going to use this new feature.

History Of The Internet

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today this post I will show you History of the Internet. Instead of saying much, let see the Timeline Infographic and a video on History of the Internet.

Here is a video on more insight about History of the Internet.

If you are having problem in viewing the videos Click here.

Blogger Now Help In Filtering Comment SPAM

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today Blogger have launched a new feature, which will helps you all in filtering Comment Spam. As many of you must have a blog in, in which you all must gets some Comment Spam. To reduce those spam you might have enabled Comment moderation, Show word verification for comments? or Registered Users.

But now Blogger have bought a new feature by which your blog’s Comment get filtered using Google’s spam filtering technologies in In you will see a new tab (It is not available to everyone yet but soon it will be) where it’s written Comment.

By going to that tab you will see 3 sub-tabs Published, Awaiting Moderation and Spam. By which you can control all types of comments in your blog.

Published: – In this, you will see all the comments in your blog which are published. You can make them as SPAM, DELETE or REMOVE CONTENT by selecting the comments on which you want take the following action
Awaiting Moderation: – works like Comment moderation
SPAM: – All the filtered spam comments by Blogger and You will go here

You can report issues by Clicking here
And if you need any help you can go to help center.
Let us know what you think about this new Blogger feature.