How To Export And Import Delicious Bookmarks To Google Bookmarks

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can import your Delicious Bookmarks to Google Bookmarks. Most of you must use Delicious to save your Bookmarks and if you wanted to save all your bookmarks in Google Bookmarks for some reasons, here how you can

Import Delicious Bookmarks InTo Google Bookmarks

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Export to Google Bookmarks button
  3. Export to Google Bookmarks

  4. Then click on Agree button to give Google access to your Delicious account (if you are not login you need to login)
  5. Agree to give Google access to your Delicious account

  6. Within few seconds (depending on how many bookmarks you have) all your Delicious Bookmarks imported to Google
  7. Now you will able to see all the bookmarks which are imported now select/deselect accounting to you which bookmark you want to save in  Google or not
  8. Then click on Import button
  9. Importing bookmarks for

Now all your bookmarks is imported to Google Bookmarks account.

Thanks to Matt Cutts for the tip

If you have any problem or question do let me know.