Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can create FAQ page for your products and services. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, we can find this kind of page in almost every website which provides some kind of products or service. If you are a designer or developer, one who don’t have their own website but you need a FAQ page for your clients or users.
For instance if you are a WordPress Plugins developer and need a FAQ page for your plugin, so FAQMe is there to help you. FAQMe is a service which lets you create FAQ page for anything you want.

Simply go to FAQMe.com, signup for an account, choose the URL which matches with you products or services (e.g.: if you are a plugin developer then try to get the URL which matches with your plugin name) and start adding your Questions and Answers (Q&A) to your FAQ page.
You will able to add as many Q&A you want in your FAQ page, you can create more than one FAQ page (in case you need more than one FAQ page for your multiple products or services), you will get stats of your FAQ page like: page views, Unique Visitors, which OS and web browser visitors are using, how many visited using mobile device, which questions are being viewed and how many times, etc. they also provide a contact form in every FAQ page you create so that visitors can contact you and you will able to view your contact massages in your FAQMe account and reply to them directly from there.
They have user-friendly UI you can simply add, edit and delete any FAQ Q&A, you can simply drag and drop to arrange them in order. Their Q&A editor support most of the HTML tags for instance if you want to add images, link to any webpage, wants to bold, underline, italic anything, etc.
You can customize your FAQ page design with different text and background color so that it matches best with your website (if you have), even you will able to add a logo to make it more personalize.