Soon you can sign Into Multiple Google Accounts in the Same Browser

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Do you maintain multiple Google Accounts on dally basis? And probably you wanted to login to your all the account at the same time. But at the time it is not possible to do with using the same browser (excluding Google Chrome) you need to use different browser for different login. In chrome you can open 2 accounts at the same time using Chrome’s incognito window by going to the Customize and control Google Chrome (Settings) -> New incognito window (shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+N).
According to the Unofficial Google Operating System blog, Google is testing a new feature by which users can login to multiple Google account at same time by using same browser.
This service is currently being tested on some of the Google service like Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Sites and Google Code, but it’s likely that other Google services will be added when this feature will be available publicly. One disadvantage of this feature is that when you turn on the multiple sign-in, you won’t be able to get access through offline mode till the multiple sign-in is on.

facebook: it’s just a start… … … far more to go…

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
As of today, facebook conformed that they have crossed 500 million active people all over the world to stay connected to their friends, family, co-worker, etc.

To celebrate this success with the world, facebook have put all the stores that we have shared with them, how facebook have impact to grow our relation stronger with our friends and families. Facebook also gave us the opportunity to make new friends from different region, background, religion, etc through which our knowledge are widen a lot.

So, facebook launched a new application called Facebook Stories where you can share your story and read hundreds of other’s stories, categorized by locations and themes all over the world.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a blog post: Our mission at Facebook is to help make the world more open and connected. Stories like these are examples of that mission and are both humbling and inspiring. I could have never imagined all of the ways people would use Facebook when we were getting started 6 years ago.

We should appreciate them for creating such a wonderful social networking site by sharing our stories.

We can see their photo album with messages of thanks.

Apple proved that Antenna problem is not only with iPhone

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
The Antenna related problem with the iPhone is not only the Smartphone which is facing problem while holding it in a particular way. For that Apple made test videos which demonstrate that how other Companies Smartphone are getting the same problems while holding it in a particular way.

1.       Apple (2G iPhone)

2.       BlackBerry (BlackBerry Bold 9700)

3.       HTC Droid (HTC Droid Eris)

4.       Nokia (Nokia N97 mini)

5.       Samsung (Samsung Omnia II)

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1st ever browser for Indians and by Indians…

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I am going to tell you about 1st ever browsers for Indian’s and the World 1st browser with an Antivirus, by an Indian.

Epic is a new web browser powered by Mozilla made by Hidden Reflex, it is a software and web application product startup based in Bengaūru, India, Epic is the first ever India’s web browser and the only browser in the world with built-in anti-virus protection.

This is how it will look when you will open the browser 1st time.

2nd view when browser fully gets loaded in few seconds.
Some of the best things about it…
1.       MADE IN INDIA.
2.       We can write in 17 different languages.
3.       Inbuilt anti-virus.
4.       1500+ Indian skins (theme) including browser based wallpapers.
5.       Access computer files from browser.
6.       Word processer by the name of Write powered by Xinha Editor, while using it if we closed it by mistake it will not ask you wither we want to save or not, it get auto save all the data in an auto save button in Writer’s menu bar (4th button called Auto-Saved).

7.       Get latest updates and news from best sites, TV channels and NEWS papers.
8.       Get 3 NDTV Live Channels (NDTV 24×7, NDTV India and NDTV Profit) with the time gap of less than 10 Seconds only.
9.       Social networking sites and E-mail applications (like: facebook, twitter, orkut, Gmail and Yahoo!)
10.   Backup your important data to your Gmail account. And get access from any were any computer.
11.   Supports all Mozilla add-ons.
12.   And many other applications and features like Google map, travel, jobs, games and many more.
Epic is currently available only for Windows users. For Mac and Linux users it is in progress.
Click here if you want to download and use this browser.
And let us know what you think about the Epic browser.

How to create Blog using

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will tell how to create blog using which is owned by Google Inc., it’s free, easy to use and for starters this is the best way to start with.

To do so you need to sign up/sign in to
1.       For Sign Up users.
To sign up click here or go to then click on CREAT A BLOG (for those who are already using any Google service they can sign in directly, no sign up required to sing in got to step : 2.).
i)        Then fill the form accordingly and click on CONTINUE.

ii)       Now you will see they asked you to fill another form where you will be asked to type related to your blog you want to start.
(1)    In 1st box type the name of your blog.
(2)    In 2nd box type the subdomain (subdomain is the address of your blog by which your visitors will visit your blog) you want. Before going to next step check that your subdomain is available or not by clicking on Check Availability.
(3)    In 3rd box fill the word verification.
(4)    Then click on CONTINUE.

iii)     Now choose the template (template is how your blog will look) you want for your blog. Then click on CONTINUE. (You can customize or change it any time you want just by going to Dashboard -> Design -> Template Designer, Click here to know how it works.)

iv)     Now you will see few options

(1)    Start posting now
By clicking this you can start your posting, what you want to post on your blog.
(2)    Customize how your blog looks
By clicking this you can change your template looks there you will get lots of choose by which you can customize your template (your blog looks) to know how it works Click here.
By clicking this you can start your posting, what you want to post on your blog.
(4)    Advanced Setup Options
(a)    Set Up a Custom Domain
Custom domain is your own domain (for e.g.: or where you can “buy a new domain” or “use your existing domain”.
(i)      To buy new custom domain
1.       To buy Click on Set Up Custom Domain or Go to: – Dashboard -> Settings -> Publishing -> there you will see written Switch to: • Custom Domain, click on Custom Domain.
2.       Now chose the domain name you want. And fill the word verification box.
3.       Now click on CHECK AVAILABILITY.
4.       You will see a Google page where it will be written is available or is already registered (If it’s already registered then chose the other domain). Then click on Continue to registration.
5.       Now fill the form accordingly and don’t forget to read and tick the Universal Terms of Service and Google Apps Standard Edition Agreement. If you don’t agree with their Agreement then you can’t have a custom domain from them.
6.       Now click on I accept. Proceed to Google Checkout » (click only if you accept the Agreement).

7.       Now you will see the Google checkout page where they will ask you to add Credit Card details (before giving the credit card details please check it that the link should be something like this { ?o=shoppingcart&shoppingcart;=xxxxx} )
They will ask Credit Card details if you have “never added it before” or “it got expired”.
8.       Now go through the following steps as they tell and read everything carefully.
9.       Best of luck.
(ii)    To use your existing domain
1.       To use your existing domain you need to create or change your existing CNAME record.
2.       Click here to see the details how you can make or change it.
3.       After doing setting the CNAME record, Click on Set Up Custom Domain or Go to: – Dashboard -> Settings -> Publishing
There you will see its written Switch to: • Custom Domain, click on Custom Domain -> then there you will see its written Already own a domain? Switch to advanced settings, click on Switch to advanced settings.
4.       In 1st box type the name of your existing domain ( or
5.       In 2nd option select the Yes or No as per your suitability (No is recommended).
6.       In 3rd box fill the word verification.
7.       Now click on SAVE SETTINGS.
8.       Within few minutes your blog will appear in your own costume domain.
(b)   Import Blog Tool
Import blog help in importing your old blogger blog posts in to your new blogger blog. Here are the steps how to do it:-
(i)      1st go to the blogger dashboard were you have your old blog which you want to move to the new one.
(ii)    Then go to the settings of the following blog (the old one which you want to movie to new).
(iii)   There you will see its written Export blog click on there.
(iv)  Now you will redirect to a page where you can see its written DOWNLOAD BOLG click on it (now you will get an .XML file which will get downloaded after clicking on DOWNLOAD BOLG).
(v)    After saving that file in to your computer go to the blogger dashboard where you have your new blog, now go the settings of that new blog there you will see its written Import blog click on it.
(vi)  Now there you can see you have an file upload option now locate and select that .XML file (which you have downloaded from your old blog) then fill the verification box, now if you want to directly publish all your old post then tick the Automatically publish all imported posts, and if you don’t want to publish it directly just want to save it in your post draft then uncheck it.
(vii) Now click on IMPORT BLOG.
(viii) Now all your blog’s posts, comments and static pages are imported to your new blog.
2.       For Sign In users.
To sign in go to give your ID and Password.
ii)       After signing in Click here or go to Blogger Dashboard, there you will see its written Create a Blog click on there.

iii)     Now you will see they have asked you to fill the form to relate to you blog details.
Go to Step:  1. > ii) > (1) and follow everything till Step: 1. > iv) > (4) > (b) > (viii)
1. While posting don’t switch to HTML to Compose if you are creating through HTML. And if
you are creating through Compose then don’t switch to Compose to HTML. You can use PREVIEW button (to view how it’s looking in your blog before posting) at the bottom beside PUBLISH button.
2. Always take a backup of your template before doing any change in your template, do any customizations in template or do any kind of changes in HTML of your blog template. To take backup your template go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML there you will see its written Download Full Template click on it you will get an .XML file save it (that’s the backup file of your template). And also copy the entire HTML Gadget/text Gadget in a note pad of your computer. To copy the Gadget go to Dashboard > Design from there you can copy the Gadget content and also add some Gadget to your blog.