Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can protect your PDF files from letting it get print and also by helping in save some papers. There is an organization called WWF who came up with a great idea to save the trees, wild life and our environment. So if you have your colleagues, friends or family members who print useless emails, documents and other such stuffs sent by you, then you can prevent your file from letting them to get it print.

WWF origination made a new file format called .WWF which is similar to PDF just with a difference which is you won’t be able to print that file. Anyone can view that file in any PDF reader but with the printing option disable.
Here how you can save files in .WWF
1. Go to SaveAsWWF.com
2. Download the software (available for Windows and Mac)
3. Now install that software in your PC
4. After it get install it will ask you to restart your PC once
5. Now if you want to save any file in .WWF
6. Just use print option (Ctrl + P)
7. You will see a new printer name have came in your printing option
8. Select SAVE AS WWF
9. Then click OK button

10. Now it will ask you to save the file
11. Just save it wherever you want
12. It may take few seconds to get save
And now you can view or send that file in anyone you want. It can be viewed in any PDF reader and it can be also viewed in Google Chrome browser. But to the person whom you are sending this file don’t have this software install then you can change the WWF file extension from .WWF to .PDF now they will also won’t understand that this file can’t get print.
Note: – When you save file in .WWF that software will add a extra page in the last which tells about WWF origination and spread the awareness about environment (see the below image to see how that last page look like).
And also before you save it in .WWF and closing it, just save copy with you in its original format otherwise you may not able to edit that file in future.

To know more about it Click here
Here is a small video from WWF origination
If you are having problem in viewing the videos Click here.
Do share this with your colleagues, friends, family and everyone else. So they can also get aware about it save paper.
And also do tell us what you think about it.
In short, it can be printed, since it is merely a (rather inefficient) PDF. Technical “merits” aside (it is bugridden) you can create a .wwf with most PDF tools, EVEN ON A STANDARD MAC by merely tweeking the security settings. The settings are only respected by Adobe Reader, most other readers either ignore it by default or it can be configured that way. Breaking it is trivial with Ghostscript. So trivial that is was hacked within a day after its release. Advertising, that what it’s all about!