Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can track when your send email is being opened. Every one of you sends and receives emails but when the time comes you need to know when a particular person opens your email without asking them. For example you have sent an Official email to someone and you need a prove that, recipient have opened your email, so they can’t they you that they haven’t received any email or it might have when to Spam/Junk folder.
So there is a great service called SpyPig which will help you in tracing when your email is viewed. You just need to go to SpyPig.com fill out the form, then click on Click to Create SpyPig button, then copy-past or drag-drop the generated Spy image into your email within 60 second that email to the person you want to send within that 60 seconds only.
It will work only with reach text and html emails, not with plain text emails. Now as much time your email is being opened you will get a notification, even if you only open that same email then also. You will get to know at what time that email have been open at, hominy times it got open, location of recipient, IP address of recipient and from which browser it have been open with.
Here how your notification email will look like
If you have any question or problem let me know.