Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can convert flash (swf) into HTML5. Flash animation is not supported by all devices like Apple’s iPhone and iPad, instead they support HTML5 version. So Google made an online tool available in Google Labs called Swiffy, which will help users, especially designers and developers to convert flash animation (swf) to HTML5. So that non flash supported device users can also see that animation.
At this early release you will able to convert most of the Flash 5 ActionScript specification or it will inform you when unsupported ActionScript code is encountered. Exporting your file as a Flash 5 file will give the best results.
After you convert save that file ASAP because Google will remove it in 15 minutes. The code generated by Swiffy is not easily editable for. You can see some examples here by Google. But when I tried to convert a small and simple animation of bouncing ball and I got this error
This preview is invalid or has expired. Previews are available for 15 minutes. Go to Swiffy.
This is how Swiffy made
Last summer, an engineering intern named Pieter Senster joined the mobile advertising team to explore how we could display Flash animations on devices that don’t support Adobe Flash player. Pieter made such great progress that Google hired him full time and formed a team to work on the project. Swiffy was born!