Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can bookmark entire webpage. When we bookmark any website in our web browser or any online services like Delicious we could only able to bookmark URL. It may be possible that in future that URL may no more accessible. So what’s the solution for that either you can use Google Cache or there is another website called CopyTo.Co.
In Google Cache you may not able to access it if that page down from many days. But CopyTo.Co lets you bookmark and store the entire webpage on their server so that you can have access to them anytime you want even after that website is totally taken down.
Not only this much if you don’t want to save the entire webpage then you can save the selective content of that page. If you are using Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari then you can get extension for your Google Chrome and Safari web browser and Add-On for Firefox. If you are using another web browser then these three then you can simply go to CopyTo.Co –> login to your account –> from New Bookmark tab you will easily able to bookmark any webpage. And there is one more option by which you can bookmark is email, you can simply send an email to bookmark@copyto.co with the links you want to bookmark, while sending use the email address which you have used while signing up.

You also get private and public RSS feed, private feed contain latest 20 bookmarks and public feed contain latest 20 bookmarks which you marked as public. It stores only 100 bookmarks in one account if you need more then you will have to pay $15.99 annual or $1.99 monthly. To make your work easy it also has a search box and label option so that you will easily able to search your bookmarked content.

It also have mobile version of their website so you can also view your bookmarks from your mobile device, so that you can have all your bookmarks whenever you want and wherever you go.