How To Save The World From Emails

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can save world from emails. These days whoever has access to the internet have an email account, it is one of the main source of communication over the internet. Because of that most of us gets lots of email in our inbox and most of them are useless (spam) or can be ignored type of emails.

So whenever we send an email to someone we take care of few things:

  1. We should respect recipients time
  2. Give clear subject title so that they can understand what can be inside this email
  3. Instantly get to the point, write what is important
  4. Keep the email clean, don’t make it look beautiful with giving different unnecessary colors and images
  5. Don’t just add people to CC unnecessarily
  6. Don’t reply just to say Thanks

There are many more ways by which you can help people from lots of emails, if you have any great idea or tips do share with us in below comment.