Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can host files in Google code. As few my reader asked me how they can host files in Google code to so that they can create Playlist using JW Player (about creating playlist I will tell in next post) here is how you can. And hosting files in Google code not only help you in creating playlist for JW Player or any just it can also help you in many other ways like, hosting JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and many more. This can help you in Blogger.com blog also.
Here how you can create a project where you will host your file(s)
1. Go to code.google.com/hosting
2. At the bottom click on Create a new project
3. Now fill the form accordingly
4. After filling the form click on Create project button
Now your project is made where you can host your file(s)
Here how you can host your files
1. Go to your project
i) Go to code.google.com/hosting
ii) At the top-right corner of the page click on My favorites ▼
iii) Now select the project in which you want to host your file(s)
2. Click on Downloads tab
3. Then click on New download
4. Fill the form accordingly and attach the file you want to host
5. Then click on Submit file button
Now your file is hosted on Google code
Here how you can get the link of hosted file
1. Go to the project where you have hosted the file
i) Go to code.google.com/hosting
ii) At the top-right corner of the page click on My favorites ▼
iii) Now select the project in which you want to host your file(s)
2. Click on Downloads tab
3. Now right lick on the download icon (beside the file of which you want the link)
4. Now select
i) Chrome : Copy link address
ii) Epic/FireFox : Copy Link Location
iii) Internet Explorer : Copy Shortcut
iv) Opera : Copy Link Address
v) Safari : Copy Link
5. Now use that link copied link wherever/however you want
If you have any suggestion or want to tell anything let me know