How To Use Different YouTube Parameter To Customize And Embed Your YouTube Video

YouTube is the most popular video sharing website and the second most popular search engine in the world. All of us watch video on YouTube and on YouTube video player which are embedded these days on almost every website Continue reading How To Use Different YouTube Parameter To Customize And Embed Your YouTube Video

How To Easily Upload Video On YouTube Using DropBox

Few days back one of my clients needed to upload a video (which is produced by my team of Dzire 2 Dzine) on YouTube, but he was not able to upload it as his internet speed was very slow and he needed that video to be uploaded ASAP Continue reading How To Easily Upload Video On YouTube Using DropBox

Add More Controls To Your YouTube Video With EmbedPlus

When we embed a YouTube video we get general option by which we can only play and pause the video and nothing else we can do with it, in HTML5 version you also able to control the video timeline speed but that also only if you are viewing it on YouTube website Continue reading Add More Controls To Your YouTube Video With EmbedPlus