Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will help you in finding the meaning of any words while reading anything on your web browser. Few days back I posted about how to read article without getting distract from other things on page but there is another problem can come while reading you might need a dictionary. So you need to open a dictionary on your computer or you will search for it the definition on the web. Here is a simple solution by Google for their Google Chrome users, Google have officially made a Chrome Extension called Google Dictionary.

Here how you can use it.
1. To get the Google Dictionary Chrome Extension Click here
2. After downloading and installing it you will see a small icon
(right side of your address bar)

3. Now double click on any word of which you want to get the meaning of
4. Then you will see a small popup with a small definition of that word

5. And if the popup didn’t appear then click on the Google Dictionary icon

If you want to change the language option or popup button option
1. Click on the Google Dictionary icon

2. There you will see Extension Option written at the bottom of the popup

3. Click on it
4. Now change the settings accordingly

Let me know what you think about this Google Dictionary extension.