Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can auto update your Twitter account when you post something new on your blog. You all must be using FeedBurner for your blog to track readers and to monetize your content on FeedBurner. As FeedBurner give updates to your readers same way it will also update your twitter timeline.

Here how you can
1. Go to FeedBurner.com
2. Login to your account
3. Click on the feed name which you want to socialize with your Twitter
4. Now go to Publicize –> Socialize
5. There you click on Add a Twitter account button
6. A popup will open
7. Give your Twitter ID and Password of the account which you want to Socialize(if you are not logged in to Twitter)
8. Click on Allow button to give access to your Twitter account
9. Now choose the option how your blog post will get tweet, like you can add Hash tags, Additional text and other which you want
10. You can also see the demo how your tweet will get updated
11. Now click on Active or Save button

Click here to see how one of my blog get updated using FeedBurner.