Cross Post With In-Face-Book
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can connect your YouTube account with your Facebook account. By connecting your YouTube account with Facebook will update your Facebook status when you Like, Comment, Subscribe (to a channel), Favorite or Upload a video on YouTube. It will keep your Facebook friends updated even if they didn’t subscribe to your YouTube channel.

To connect your YouTube account with Facebook
- Go to
- Login to your account
- Click on your username (top-right corner) –> Account
- Then select Activity Sharing (at left side column)
- Then click on Connect accounts
- Now a popup will open
- Facebook will ask your permission to give YouTube access on your Facebook account
- Click on Allow button
- Now click on Save Changes button

Now whenever you will Upload, Like, Favorite, etc on YouTube it will automatically update on your Facebook account.