Cross Post With In-Face-Book
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can update your Facebook account using Twitter. Twitter and Facebook one of the most used Social Networking websites in the world. And most of you use both Twitter and Facebook for getting updates on latest news, to stay connected with your families and friends. So like you use to get updates and to stay connect so you also must update your status on Twitter and Facebook to stay connect.

So let see how you can update your Facebook account using Twitter.
- Go to
- Login to your account
- Now go to
- Login to your account
- Go to
- Click on Allow button (sometime it may show fail whale or something like that, so you need to refresh the page and do it again till it donβt get connected)
- Now Facebook will ask your permission to give Twitter access to your basic and profile information
- Click on Allow button
- Now select Facebook Profile
- Facebook will ask your permission to give Twitter access to post on your Wall
- Click on Allow button
- Now wait for two min and then press Ctrl+R on page
- And see Facebook Profile is selected of not, if not again select it and wait for two min (due to some technical issue sometime the request get fail)

Note: – Tweets that are @ replies and direct messages (DM) will not be posted on your Facebook Wall.
If you have any question or problems do let me know by commenting below.
Simply updating your wall automatically! Cool π
Thanks Pubudu for your comment.. π – This page is showing blank, and not able to move forward from here.
Ya, their are bugs because of which it is not showing.
I had really liked ur article and posted over here !!! π
I have also given credits to u !!! π
Thank you for the back link..!! π