How To Play Fruit Ninja Game On Facebook And On Your Favorite Website

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can play Fruit Ninja game on any website. If you have played Fruit Ninja on your mobile device and you are big fan of it. Then might also like to play it on your computer in your free time, Nokia have bought a bookmarklet (to promote N8) by which you can play it on any of your favorite website.

Fruit Ninja

You can simply drag and drop the below bookmarklet to your web browser’s bookmark bar, go to website on which you would like to play, then click on that bookmarklet, use your mouse and start paying.

While playing you will also able to destroy the website content as we did in Angry Birds and Kick Ass game. However this game don’t have any sound effect and levels but you will do get to see your scores.

Fruit Ninja Attacked On Saket Jajodia's Blog

If you want to play with sound effects and other features of it then you can play it on Facebook, Fruit Ninja have bought their game to Facebook also. Simply go to, allow access to your data and start playing.