When we embed a YouTube video we get general option by which we can only play and pause the video and nothing else we can do with it, in HTML5 version you also able to control the video timeline speed but that also only if you are viewing it on YouTube website.
But in case if you want to embed a YouTube video where you want to customize it in your own way so that you can give your readers a better experience and understanding of that video, so EmbedPlus can help you in this.
EmbedPlus gives option by which you can set, the custom size of the video, if video will play by default in HD or not, from where video will start, where it will end, add scene markers to your video, show real-time reactions from YouTube Comments and Twitter and also lets you add notations to your video (to include links in notations, add http:// in the beginning of the URL).
All you need to do is, go to EmbedPlus.com, click on Get Started button, give your YouTube video URL and you will get the options by which are mentioned above, after you set those option click on Next button to get object code to embed video in your blog or website or in case if don’t want to add it in your blog or website then you can share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter using shorten Bitly URL.
For viewers, EmbedPlus player will help them to play video in slow motion, give option to instant replay or play video in loop, zoom into video so that they can easily see small object or text of video (with movable zoom), with EmbedPlus player they don’t remove YouTube default player so that people don’t miss YouTube touch and feel while watching videos.
Note: – Some blogs are facing problem in embedding EmbedPlus player in WordPress blog, instead of showing EmbedPlus player it is showing normal YouTube player, so it is advisable to use their WP plugin if you are using self hosted WordPress blog.
Thanks Tay for tip.