Sometimes when we write a very informative article and want to make sort URL with our own blog domain mane, in case if we have a custom domain or have self hosted WordPress blog then we can easily able to do it but if we are on Blogger before there were no option to do it but now we have in Blogger’s new Search preference setting, which lets you redirect any URL of your blog to any other URL of that same blog of yours.
Let say this is your blog URL and you want to redirect to contact us page which is, so here how you can do it:
- Go to Blogger in Draft dashboard
- From More option drop-down, select Settings
- Then click on Search preferences from left column
- Now edit and enable Custom Redirects option, the click on New redirect button
- In From field give the URL which you want to redirect, in our case its (make sure you don’t add domain name, just type /contact)
- Then on To field give the URL where it will get redirect, in this case we will just give /p/contact-us.html (here also we will follow the rules as we did in step 5 for From field)
- Then click on Save change button

Now you can test if that URL is getting redirect correctly or not. You can only redirect to any URL of the same blog, if you want to redirect to different blog then you might not able to. You can also do redirect URL when you are thinking of taking any of your current post down and redirect that post URL to homepage or any similar post. Or if someone linked to incorrect URL of your blog, which is returning 404 error then also you can redirect it to correct URL.
If you want to delete any of your redirect simply go to that same Search preferences page and select the check box of redirect you want to delete and then click on delete button.
More tutorials on Blogger new Search preferences settings page:
Description Meta Tag
Customize Design Of 404 Error Page
301 Redirect Any URL
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Robots Header Meta Tags