One more new feature from Blogger’s new Search Preferences settings is Search Description, which lets you add custom search description meta tag/data for each post, pages and homepage. Search description is what we see a small snippet of text in search result page in Google (and in any other search engines), it helps Google and visitors to understand what they may going to find in that page and if it will help to find what they are searching for.
If your page doesn’t contain any description meta tag then Google will take a snippet of text from that page, which Google think is best and will show in the search result. If you in WordPress we have this option, it not used to be there in Blogger but now it is. Here how you can add and enable custom search description meta tag/data:
- Go to Blogger in Draft dashboard
- From More option drop-down, select Settings
- Then click on Search preferences from left column
- Now edit and enable Description option
- There you will see a text box, in that text box add the description that you will like to have for your homepage (it should be not more than 150 characters, including spaces)
- Then click on Save change button

Now when search bots will next time crawl your homepage, they will use that description to show in snippet of text in search result page. And after enabling Description option you will also able to add a custom description in every post and pages, to add edit your old post or while creating a new post you will see and a new option called Search Description at right column.
Note: – Description option only appears if you are using new Blogger interface or using Blogger in Draft.
More tutorials on Blogger new Search preferences settings page:
Description Meta Tag
Customize Design Of 404 Error Page
301 Redirect Any URL
Edit Robots.txt
Robots Header Meta Tags