Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today I am going to alert you on what you should tack care while doing anything online. Now a day’s every people living two types of life virtual (online) life and real (offline) life. And few of you have more than one online life (e.g.: for hide your identity or using fake identity). Specially youngsters, teenagers how spends most of their time online.

IMG credit: Steynian
As you all know Facebook is rapidly increasing and reached more than 500 million users. And 100 million user’s data is available to download for free all over internet. As Facebook have 500+ million users so most of you must be using Facebook (for friends, family, business or other) where you share about yourself, including your personal information.
Here are few things you should not do…
1. Don’t add people to whom you don’t know very well
2. Don’t post anything which can harm you or anyone else (not only physically, but can be intentionally or emotionally also)
3. Don’t give your any kind of personal information (like: your phone no., your address, your and your friend’s pictures “specially for girls” and many more other information)
4. As I told before also Don’t go to any SCAM sites
Few easy steps to follow to save your real life can be caused by virtual life
1st See where you are, on which site you are
2nd Understand everything about it
3rd now Act but be very careful before acting
And check your privacy settings very well!!!

See the below video it, will explain you everything very Weill
Update: Few people may not able to see this videos due to Copy Rights, so I have uploaded this video in my Facebook page so to view it please Click here.