Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will help you in scheduling your Facebook status/posts updates. There can be possible reasons that you are out for some events or a journey through flight so you won’t be able to update your Facebook on that time. And you want to update something at that certain point of time. So there you can schedule your Facebook updates according to you.
To schedule your updates
1. You need to sign-up to Sendible
2. After signing in/up, click on Add/Edit Services tab on top-right of the page
3. You will see Sendable provides many services but in this post I will help you in Facebook part.
After going to Add/Edit Services tab you will see some services related to Facebook
Click on Add for those service(s) which you want make scheduled for
4. Click on Connect with Facebook
5. Now they will ask you two times to Allow the Sendable to access your data (for security reason and if you agree with their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy)
6. Now click on Save Settings
7. Go to Massage Box tab
8. Select the service(s) for which you want to make scheduled for
9. Now set the schedule by clicking on Scheduling link (in the middle-right-corner of services and text box)
10. Now type whatever you want to update on that scheduled time then click on Send
Let us know what you think about it and about your experience with it.