Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can set more than one webpage as your homepage. If there are few website which you visit as you switch on your computer but you have manually open those website one by one. So if you are using Mozilla Firefox, Epic or Internet Explorer then here is one solution for you.
Firefox and Epic
- Open your browser
- Open all the website/webpage you want in each tab
- Now go to Tool –> Options…
- Select General tab
- There you will find Use Current Pages button, click on it
- Then click on OK button

Now it will add all the website/webpage URLs separating each URL with | (pipe, most of you will get it this below Backspace button in your keyboard) for e.g.:
http://sjbn.co/ | https://google.com | http://yahoo.com | http://bing.com
IE (Internet Explorer)
- Open your browser
- Go to Tools –> Internet Options
- Under General tab
- You will find Use current button, click on it
- Then click on OK button

Now it will add all the website/webpage URLs in each line.
If you have any question or problem let me know.