Use To Get Updates And To Update Your Twitter Account From Google talk (Gtalk)

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can tweet and get your Twitter updates from Gtalk. is an online app which help you in follow your timeline, send (re)tweets and direct messages, (un)follow anyone, see incoming followers directly from your Google talk (Gtalk). logo

You just need to go to connect your Google and Twitter account, after you connect your Google and Twitter account add to your Gtalk. Now as you get massages from your friends on Gtalk same way now you will get Twitter updates and if you want to tweet anything just add /t before your tweet and it will get updated on your Twitter account.

You can also these commands to use
/h: to show this help.
/on: to receive timeline updates
/off: to not receive timeline updates
/t: to send tweets.
/q category: to tweet quotes (categories which are available at
/rt user: to retweet a user’s last message.
/d user: to send direct message.
/f user: to follow someone.
/u user: to unfollow someone.
/i: to show incoming friendships.

You need to change user with the username of the respective person on Twitter and change category with the category you want to tweet on (it will tweet directly without conforming you). When you join they will make an auto tweet (see below) and make you follower of @chitterim, also follow you back.

I started using @chitterim. It’s a bot that enables you to use Twitter from Gtalk! Get it at!

If you have any question or problem let me know.

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