Find Out What Cookies Is Beening Stored By A Specific Website In Your Web Browser

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can see what cookies is being stored in your browser by a specific website without going to settings/option page. A cookie, also known as a web cookie, browser cookie, and HTTP cookie, is a piece of text stored on a user’s computer by their web browser Continue reading Find Out What Cookies Is Beening Stored By A Specific Website In Your Web Browser

Bookmark Video Online To Watch Them Later From Anywhere Anytime You Want

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can Bookmark any YouTube video in your YouTube account. Once I told you all about YouTube’s new Watch later button, which we use it as Bookmark so we can watch it later. But YouTube is not only the place where we watch videos Continue reading Bookmark Video Online To Watch Them Later From Anywhere Anytime You Want

What Is (Delicious) Bookmarks? In Plain English

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you about a Social Bookmarking website called Delicious ( Most of you have heard about Delicious a social bookmarking website by Yahoo Inc. Continue reading What Is (Delicious) Bookmarks? In Plain English

Sync Your Google Chrome Bookmarks With Your Google Account

Cross Post With Google-Chrome

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can backup your bookmarks of your Google Chrome Browser. Most probably every one of you must bookmark links of your favorite websites and you never want to lose those collections of your favorite website links. So have you ever taken backups of your bookmarks? NO? Continue reading Sync Your Google Chrome Bookmarks With Your Google Account

How To Export And Import Delicious Bookmarks To Google Bookmarks

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can import your Delicious Bookmarks to Google Bookmarks. Most of you must use Delicious to save your Bookmarks and if you wanted to save all your bookmarks in Google Bookmarks for some reasons, here how you can

Import Delicious Bookmarks InTo Google Bookmarks

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Export to Google Bookmarks button
  3. Export to Google Bookmarks

  4. Then click on Agree button to give Google access to your Delicious account (if you are not login you need to login)
  5. Agree to give Google access to your Delicious account

  6. Within few seconds (depending on how many bookmarks you have) all your Delicious Bookmarks imported to Google
  7. Now you will able to see all the bookmarks which are imported now select/deselect accounting to you which bookmark you want to save in  Google or not
  8. Then click on Import button
  9. Importing bookmarks for

Now all your bookmarks is imported to Google Bookmarks account.

Thanks to Matt Cutts for the tip

If you have any problem or question do let me know.

Save Any WebPage Into PDF File Using Bookmark

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can save any webpage in to PDF file. Web2PDFConverter is an online tool that helps you convert any webpage into PDF. It will fetch full webpage into its server and give that page in a PDF file link to download. When you will open that PDF file you will most probably see same webpage with clickable links as you can see in your browser.

Just drag this below button to your browser bookmark.

Save webpage as PDF

Now whenever you want to convert any webpage into PDF just click on that bookmark, it will convert that webpage into PDF and give you links to download, view it in Google Docs or share it with your friends.

Want To Kill Some Time By Killing Some Website Contents

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
In this post I will tell you about an interesting thing to kill your spare time by destroying some website contents. Most of you must have played a game where you have to destroy the Asteroids with a rocket, just like that in this also you can destroy the website contents. Just drag and drop the below button to your web browser’s Bookmark bar.

Kick ass

After putting this button into your browser bookmark, click on that bookmark, on any website (can possible few sites won’t work due to some JavaScript) you will see a white arrow appearing top-left side on that website (see in the image below) which will work as a rocket.

Now use the arrow key to move that arrow as you want and press spacebar to kill the contents on that page. And you will also get scores on killing the contents, 10 points on killing per content. You will able to see the scores bottom-right corner of the page.

To quit the game you need to press Esc button. But if you have killed any content and after quilting the game you want it back, you won’t get till you don’t refresh the page.

Thanks to Erkie

Lets us know what you think about it. Now kill your time by destroying contents on websites.