Check Whether A Website Is Down Only For You Or For Everyone

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can check any website is down only for you or for everyone. Sometime it happens that a website is not opening and other websites are opening so how you can check.

Website Down

Just go to or, type the URL of the website you want to check and press enter. Now you will get your answer in very simple words is up or looks down from here.

Open Your Google Search Results Always In A New Tab Or Window

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can open Google search results in new tab or window. All of you use some search engine for you quires and most of you use Google to search your quires.

Open Search Results In New Tab Or Window

When you click on any search result it always open in same window and when that result don’t give your answer, you are looking for then again you need to click on back button go to back to search results to see other search results. So to save your time in clicking on back button and page load time you can open link in a new tab/window without doing right-click work.

To do so go to then click on Settings –> Search settings (top-right corner) or go to, now in Global Preferences scroll down to Results Window and select the Open search results in a new browser window. box.

Now whenever you will go to through search results in Google it will always open in a new tab/window.

Note: – Your cookie settings should not be dibble and whenever you will clear your cookies you need to reset this setting in Google Preferences.

Google Testing New Navigation Bar

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will show you Google’s new Navigation (Nav) bar. Google is testing new navigation bar in Google Search. Once I have show this Nav bar back in November-December of 2010 at that time it appear only once then by mistake I refresh the page and it gone (my bad luck) Continue reading Google Testing New Navigation Bar

Export And Import Your Gmail Contacts From One Account To Another

Hi! Everyone, Happy Valentine’s Day.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can transfer all your contacts from your one Gmail account to another. Most of you must have more than one email ID and it can happen that you want your email contacts of once account in another Gmail account.

Gmail to Gmail

So let see how you can do

Export your contacts to your computer

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account (in which your contacts are available, which needs to get transfer)
  3. Click on Contacts menu
  4. Now click on More actions button (on middle0top of the page)
  5. Select Export…
  6. More actions -- Export...

  7. Set the settings according to you
  8. Click on Export button
  9. Export contacts

Now your contacts will start getting download in your computer, in csv file format.

Import your contacts to your Gmail account

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account (in which you want to import your contacts)
  3. Click on Contacts menu
  4. Now click on More actions button (on middle0top of the page)
  5. Select Import…
  6. More actions -- Import...

  7. Click on Choose File button
  8. Navigate and select the file which you have download (or in which you have all your contacts)
  9. If you want to import those contacts on a new label select Also add these imported contacts to: and choose the label in which you want to import
  10. Click on Import button
  11. Import contacts

Now all your contacts are imported to your Gmail account. If there are any contact(s) which is already available in your contact list of that account (in which you have imported) then it will automatically tell you after all your contacts get imported. To your account

If you have any question or problems do let me know y commenting below.

How To Use To Track Your Visitors In Real-Time

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are having fun today.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can use to track your visitors in real-time. If you are using Google Analytics to track your visitors on your blog or website then you must don’t get real-time stats about the traffic on your blog/website. Using you will able to track your visitors real-time but you won’t get full insight about your visitors like you can get in Google Analytics (or any other).

You will get basic stats about your visitors like how many visitors are online, on which page they are on, from which country and city they are coming from in your blog or website and you can also see the past stats of your blog or website.

Let see how you can use it

  1. Go to
  2. Set the settings according to you (you can see the demo also where it will appear)
  3. Copy the code in yellow box
  4. - settings, code, demo

  5. Now past that code just after opening <body> tag or just before closing </body> tag

Note: – The code should appear in every page of your blog or website otherwise it will not give the correct stats

How to use code WordPress blog

  1. Go to the Dashboard –> Appearance –> Editor (of your blog)
  2. Now click on header.php (in right side bar)
  3. Search for <body> tag
  4. Just after the <body> tag past the code
  5. Click on Update File button to save it

How to use code blog

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account
  3. Go to Design –>Edit HTML (for the blog in which you want to use)
  4. Search for <body> tag
  5. Just after the <body> tag past the code
  6. Click on SAVE TEMPLATE button

Now go to your blog or website and see if you can see the red color box. If you can’t see the box clear your browser cache or press Ctrl+R to clear the cache for that page. And to see the stats click on that image (or button if you want to tell).

You can also have custom designs also colors like in Map, in different colors, and more Click here to see.

If you have you used it before do tell us what you think about it

Update Your Facebook Account (Wall) Using Twitter

Cross Post With In-Face-Book

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can update your Facebook account using Twitter. Twitter and Facebook one of the most used Social Networking websites in the world. And most of you use both Twitter and Facebook for getting updates on latest news, to stay connected with your families and friends. So like you use to get updates and to stay connect so you also must update your status on Twitter and Facebook to stay connect.

Connect Twitter To Facebook

So let see how you can update your Facebook account using Twitter.

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account
  3. Now go to
  4. Login to your account
  5. Go to
  6. Click on Allow button (sometime it may show fail whale or something like that, so you need to refresh the page and do it again till it don’t get connected)
  7. Would you like to connect your Twitter and Facebook account

  8. Now Facebook will ask your permission to give Twitter access to your basic and profile information
  9. Click on Allow button
  10. Request for Permissing for basic and profile information

  11. Now select Facebook Profile
  12. select Facebook Profile

  13. Facebook will ask your permission to give Twitter access to post on your Wall
  14. Click on Allow button
  15. Request for Permissing for Post to my Wall

  16. Now wait for two min and then press Ctrl+R on page
  17. And see Facebook Profile is selected of not, if not again select it and wait for two min (due to some technical issue sometime the request get fail)

Note: – Tweets that are @ replies and direct messages (DM) will not be posted on your Facebook Wall.

If you have any question or problems do let me know by commenting below.

How To Restore Muliple Tabs In Google Chrome Browser

Cross Post With Google-Chrome

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can restore all your in Google Chrome. Like Firefox and Internet Explorer Google Chrome also allows you to restore all your tabs but unlike Firefox and Internet Explorer, Google Chrome wont worn you while closing multiple tabs at a time.

It happens that we working on something and for that work we have opened up many web pages in multiple tabs and now you have to shut down your computer and go somewhere in middle of work. So if you close all those tabs then after coming back you must need all those tabs back, so what you do, copy all links somewhere or after coming back go to History option and open each tab one by one.

You don’t need to do so many hard works to bring back those tabs. To save your time and less hard work in Google Chrome there is an option by which you can restore all your tabs when you come back, to do so just go to Customize and control Google Chrome –> select Options –> Basic tab –> there you select Reopen the pages that were open last option then clock on Close button

Reopen the pages that were open last

Now whenever you will close and go any amount of tabs in your nest session it will reopen all those tabs which you have closed.