Whenever we do an email conversation with someone especially using Gmail we get a reader friendly conversation look so that anyone can easily understand what conversation is going on. Sometimes most of us like to edit the subject title according to the conversation we are having.
In Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, etc. when we click on reply button, it opens a new page from where we can easily edit subject line without searching for any edit option and all. But in Gmail when we reply they don’t show any subject line field from where we can edit it.

Sometimes if you really need to change subject line in between conversation but don’t know how to do that in Gmail and you land up composing new email leave that conversation in between just because you need to change subject line. Now you don’t have to do that anymore because Gmail do has an option to edit it. To edit subject line in Gmail when you click on reply button you will see Edit subject link just below From: and To: field and above message box, by clicking on that link you will able to see subject line field and you can edit it.
If you need to change subject line very often, use Firefox as your default web browser and don’t have problem in using Greasemonkey user script then Lifehacker have a script for you. Using this script you don’t have to click on Edit subject link again and again because like in other email service provider (e.g.: Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc.) it will add a subject line box. However this script seems not working for me and might work for you. So you can give a try to it and let me know if it worked for you.