If you are a type of person who everyday writes about yourself, your daily experience, how your whole gone in your private diary, just to keep your memories alive. But Continue reading OhLife Helps You To Write Your Personal Diary Regularly And Keep It Secret
Tag: Personal
Wish You All Happy Gandhi Jayanti With This Gandhi Rap Song
Hi! Everyone, wish you all a very Happy Gandhi Jayanti.
Today in 2nd October, Gandhi Jayanti (Gandhiji’s birthday), this is his 142nd birth anniversary. I found a video on him which is a Presentation on Gandhiji’s Life with Gandhi rap sung by MC Yogi, you will find its lyrics below the video Continue reading Wish You All Happy Gandhi Jayanti With This Gandhi Rap Song
Solution For Aero Video Card Driver Error
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell how you can solve your error with Aero effect in Windows 7. Aero effect in Windows 7 gives you translucent glass design with subtle window animations and new window colors. It distinctive visual style combines the appearance of lightweight, translucent windows with powerful graphic advances Continue reading Solution For Aero Video Card Driver Error
Wish You All Happy Republic Day
Hi! Everyone, having fun
Today India is celebrating its 62nd Republic Day, in honor of that here is video by kids silently singing our National Anthem
At the end of the video in Hindi it’s written in “Patriotism has no language”.
Thanks to Shiva for sharing this video.
Completed Six Months Of My Blogging
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today my blog have completed its six months, I have started blogging on 16th July 2010 and after six month I have moved most of my blogs (Jajodia-Saket, In-Face-Book, In-Google-Me and Info-Graphic) to WordPress, also started one new blog on Google-Chrome and a Bulk SMS service. I really like to thank to all my readers, non-readers, visitors, non-visitors, friends, family and one more person (can’t tell the name) for supporting me. And also I really would like to thank few of my blogger friends Akshay (author of Screamable), Jose (author of Tech Junoon), Navjot (author of Hope To Earn) and Shiva (author of Netchunks) (name are written in alphabetically) who helped me in moving from Blogger to WordPress.
I really had a great experience in the world of Blogging, also I really enjoyed it. Because of blogging my studies got little harmed but although in front of what I got from blogging is nothing harmed.
- In-Face-Book (click here to register and submit your content)
- In-Google-Me (click here to register and submit your content)
- Google-Chrome (click here to register and submit your content)
If you want to write guest posts on any of my following blogs just submit your content for review
- Article should be original (written by you)
- It cannot be republished on the web and it should not have been published before
- If you use any images or text in the post, please give full credit to them
- Each article should have at list one image which should be related to the post. And if you are writing any tutorial or how-to guide then try to give screenshot for each step
- Try to write evergreen content
- It should not contain any affiliate links
- Reply to ever comment you get for your post
Here are the few things you should concern about before writing for my blogs
You must be thinking what you will get by writing on my blogs. We will give a line about you with your blog link before and after your content. You will able to place your AdSense ads before and after your content, in case if you don’t have an Google AdSense account now instead of your ads default ads will be shown, whenever you will get your Google AdSense account you can place your ads at that very point of time.
If you have any quires feel free to ask by commenting below or by mailing me admin[at]SJbn[dot]Co
How To Block And Unblock Someone On Facebook
Cross Post with In-Face-Book

ALERT: Be Careful From Hacker Pranav Jain

or BitDefender Total Security both provides all the three things. And one more thing don’t add people you don’t know as I told before also and now see I only got in that trap, so be very careful.