Remove (Revoke Access) Third Party Apps (OAuth) From Your Twitter Account

Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can remove third-party access from your Twitter account. Most of you must be using Twitter to share updates and also to stay updated. And sometime you must even use your Twitter account to connect with your with different websites and applications.

Remove (Revoke Access) Third Party Apps (OAuth)

By connecting your Twitter account with different website they get access on your Twitter account and by mistake you given access to a website or application which spamming on your twitter account, and you want to remove them.

So here how you can

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account
  3. Click on your Username (top-right corner)
  4. Select Settings
  5. Twitter drop-doswn options

  6. Click on Connections tab
  7. Now you will see all the websites and application that have access to your Twitter account
  8. Search for websites or application which you want to remove
  9. Under that you will see written Revoke Access click on it
  10. Now that websites or application won’t have access to your account
  11. For security once refresh that page and see if that website or application is gone or not, if not then again clicks on Revoke Access

    Twitter Connections page

If you have any questions or problem let me know.

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