How To Connect Your YouTube Channel With Your Twitter Account

Hi! Everyone, wishing all moms Happy Mother’s Day.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can auto update your twitter status when you upload any video on YouTube. If you upload lots of video on YouTube and want to auto update your Twitter account whenever you upload a video on YouTube. It will also update when you Like, Comment, Subscribe (to a channel) or Favorite a video on YouTube.

Connect YouTube With Twitter

To connect your YouTube account with Twitter

  1. Go to
  2. Login to your account
  3. Click on your username (top-right corner) –> Account
  4. Then select Activity Sharing (at left side column)
  5. Then click on Connect accounts
  6. Now a popup will open
  7. Twitter will ask your permission to give Google access on your Twitter account
  8. Click on Authorize app button
  9. Authorize Google to use your account - Authorize app

  10. Now click on Save Changes button
  11. Connect Twitter - YouTube Activity Sharing page

Now whenever you will Upload, Like, Favorite, etc on YouTube it will automatically tweet on your Twitter account.

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