Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can shorten Google Search URL. When we share any Google Search URL with any of our friend on Email, IM, comments, etc. that URL looks so ugly in between a good conversation because there are of so many unwanted characters, hard to understand URL and tell some stuffs about us (like: which browser we are using and all our search preferences).
So to solve that problem you use Gog.is. You can simply add your search query after gog.is/ and it will directly take you to the Google search result page of that query. E.g. if you are searching for India then type gog.is/India and it will take you to Google.com/search?q=India.

If you want to use more than one keyword then add Coma Sign (,) or Plus Sign (+) or Forward Slash (/) after each keyword. E.g. if you are searching for Saket Jajodia then type
And all three will redirect to Google.com/search?q=Saket+Jajodia.
Apart from Google web search, you can also do Google Product search, Blog search, Book search, News search, Google Finance, Wikipedia, IMBD, YouTube search and Twitter search, here are how you can. You need to add prefixes after
gog.is/ then colon (:) and then your search query, e.g.
shop: or s: = by adding this will take you to Google product search. E.g. http://gog.is/s:iPad
blog: = by adding this will take you to Google Blog search. E.g. http://gog.is/blog:Saket+Jajodia
book: or b: = by adding this will take you to Google book search. E.g. http://gog.is/b:I+Too+Had+A+Love+Story
news: or n: = by adding this will take you to Google news search. E.g. http://gog.is/n:Google
stock: or q: = Will send you to the first hit on Google finance. E.g. http://gog.is/q:Apple
wiki:, or w: = gog.is will redirect to the first hit on Wikipedia. E.g. http://gog.is/w:India
movie: or imdb: or m: = will do the same for Imdb.com. E.g. http://gog.is/m:A+Walk+to+Remember
youtube: or y: = by adding this will take you to YouTube search. E.g. http://gog.is/y:Jay+Sean
And for Twitter
twitter: or t: = by adding this will take you to Twitter search. E.g. http://gog.is/t:@Jajodia_Saket
and if you want add hash tag
twitter:tag: or t:t: = by adding this will take you to Twitter search with hashtag add to your query. http://gog.is/t:t:followfriday
In case if you would like to know the stats, simply add a plus sign (+) at the end of your gog.is expression e.g. http://gog.is/saket+Jajodia+ to see the statistics for the search http://gog.is/Saket+Jajodia.