If you are getting bored in home, don’t have anything to do and thinking of going out somewhere with friends so you made calls or sending SMS to all your friends asking if they are also getting bored and interested in going out after getting confirmation that all are interested again asking to all where they will like to go and after that many more things. But it’s so time taking and confusing for me.
So a better option is ask all your friends to come online on Facebook chat, add all of them in a group chat so it will become easy to do conversation with all your friends at once and easy to decide who all are interested, where you all like to go, where you all will meet, at what time, etc. without sending same message to everyone separately.

To do group chats in Facebook follow these steps:-
- Go to facebook.com and login to your account
- Click on anyone of your friend, whom you want to be in that group chat
- Then click on gear icon
(Options) at top of that chat box
- Select Add Friends to Chat…
- Now start typing your friend’s name, then click on Done
- A new chat box will open in which all your friends will be added
You can that new chat box to do conversation with all your friends in one go. If anyone of them are not online they will receive that message in their Facebook Messages when they come online next and able to reply to all from their only.
Friends who are added to group chat can’t see the private conversation that you and your friend were having before you created the group chat but the friends added to the group chat after it got created can view the conversation history, so that they can know what you all are currently talking about. If you or anyone wants to leave that conversation then simply click on gear icon and select Leave Conversation…, after that they will no longer receive any message from that conversation.