Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can embed PDF file into your blog or webpage. Now days PDF files are being used a lot and the uses of it is still increasing. And many people like blogger, developer, Continue reading How To Embed PDF File In Your Blog Or Website
Tag: Files
How To Create Playlist In Blogger.com Using JW Player
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can create playlist using JW Player. As I told in my last post that few readers asked me how they can create Playlist using JW Player and how they can host files of JW Player in Google code. So in last post I told you how you can host files in Google code and if you want to know how to use and earn from JW Player Click here.
To make a playlist using JW Player you need to have an XML file where you will put all the videos link of your playlist.
Here how you can create JW Player Playlist XML file
1. Open notepad in your computer
2. Copy the below code
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <playlist version='1' xmlns='http://xspf.org/ns/0/'> <trackList> <track> <title>Video Name</title> <location>Video URL</location> <annotation>Video Description</annotation> <duration>Video Length (Time)</duration> </track> </trackList> </playlist>
Now copy the bold portion and paste it after </track> as much time you want (as much video will be in a playlist)
3. Now change few things
i) Video Name With the name of the video
ii) Video URL with the URL of the video
iii) Video Description With the video description
iv) Video Length (Time) with the video length
Note: – Every time put different Name, URL, Description and Length
4. After you made the playlist save that file
i) Press Crtl+S (for save option)
ii) Now change the Save as type: from Text Documents (*.txt) to All files (*.*)
iii) An give the name of the file and after the name give .xml
iv) Then click Save button
5. Now upload this file to Google code hosting server or on your hosting server
To know how to upload file to Google code click here.
Here how you can make playlist using JW Player
1. Go to Blogger.com –> Click on Design for the following blog –> Edit HTML
2. Find the
3. Just before the end of head tag place the below code (if you haven’t place this code before for JW Player)
<script src="http://jajodiasaket.googlecode.com/files/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"/>
4. Now place the below code where you want to
display your JW Player Playlist
<div name='jwppl1' id='jwppl1'> <script type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject ('https://player.longtailvideo.com/player.swf ','single' ,'600','320','8'); so.addParam('wmode','transparent'); so.addParam('allowScriptAccess','always'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addVariable('fullscreen','true'); so.addVariable('width','600'); so.addVariable('height','320'); so.addVariable('playlist','right'); so.addVariable('playlistsize','200'); so.addVariable('file','playlist.xml'); so.addVariable('image','image.jpg'); so.addVariable('plugins', 'ltas,gapro-1,googlytics-1,fbit-1'); so.addVariable('ltas.cc','AdSolution ID'); so.addVariable('gapro.accountid','Google Analytics ID'); so.write('jwppl1'); </script></div>
Change the following things before you place the code:
a) Change The Longtail Video AdSolution ID
Change the AdSolution ID with your Longtail Video AdSolution ID and if you don’t have the AbSolution ID then you can sign up for free, to know how to signup Click Here . Or if you don’t want to show ads just remove this entire line (
so.addVariable('ltas.cc', 'AdSolution ID');
b) Change the Google Analytics ID whit your ID (ID is something like UA-XXXXXXXX-XX)
c) Change the playlist.xml with your Playlist XML file
d) Change the image.jpg with your preview image URL (it it not necessary if you are using YouTube video URL)
There is a facebook share button plugin I have given if you want to remove it just remove the ,fbit-1 from this line so.addVariable(‘plugins’, ‘ltas,gapro-1,googlytics-1,fbit-1‘); .
Note: – If you want to add two player in one page then change the 1 in jwppl1 (in 1st line and in last 2nd line) with 2 in 2nd player, if you want to add three player then change it with 3 in 3rd player and so on.
Here is a demo of how JW Player Play will look like
If you are having problem in viewing the Demo Playlist Click here.
Hope it will help you in creating JW Player Playlist, if you have any question or problem let me know
How To Host Files On Google Code
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can host files in Google code. As few my reader asked me how they can host files in Google code to so that they can create Playlist using JW Player (about creating playlist I will tell in next post) here is how you can. And hosting files in Google code not only help you in creating playlist for JW Player or any just it can also help you in many other ways like, hosting JavaScript, jQuery, CSS and many more. This can help you in Blogger.com blog also.
Here how you can create a project where you will host your file(s)
1. Go to code.google.com/hosting
2. At the bottom click on Create a new project
3. Now fill the form accordingly
4. After filling the form click on Create project button
Now your project is made where you can host your file(s)
Here how you can host your files
1. Go to your project
i) Go to code.google.com/hosting
ii) At the top-right corner of the page click on My favorites ▼
iii) Now select the project in which you want to host your file(s)
2. Click on Downloads tab
3. Then click on New download
4. Fill the form accordingly and attach the file you want to host
5. Then click on Submit file button
Now your file is hosted on Google code
Here how you can get the link of hosted file
1. Go to the project where you have hosted the file
i) Go to code.google.com/hosting
ii) At the top-right corner of the page click on My favorites ▼
iii) Now select the project in which you want to host your file(s)
2. Click on Downloads tab
3. Now right lick on the download icon (beside the file of which you want the link)
4. Now select
i) Chrome : Copy link address
ii) Epic/FireFox : Copy Link Location
iii) Internet Explorer : Copy Shortcut
iv) Opera : Copy Link Address
v) Safari : Copy Link
5. Now use that link copied link wherever/however you want
If you have any suggestion or want to tell anything let me know
How To View And Change Any Type Of File Extension
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can see and change the extension of any file. It happens many times when we want to see what the file extension of the file is but we couldn’t able to as because it is hidden. And sometime even we need to change the file extension for some work but as because it is hidden we couldn’t able to. So this post is for those how don’t know how to see the file extension of any file.
Image credit: 123RF
Here how you can see if it is hidden
1. Open My Computer
2. See at the top in Menu bar
3. Select Tools –> Folder option
4. Now select View tab
5. There you will see written Hide extensions for known file types
6. Uncheck that box
7. Click on OK
Now you will able to see the extension of all files
If you want to change extension of any file, just change whatever written after dot (.).
Note: – Whenever you change any file name and extension is not hidden don’t change the name after dot (.) otherwise that file may not work.
How To Host Images On Blogger.com
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post i will tell you how you can host your images in Blogger.com. Hosting images on sites like ImageShack, PhotoBucket and etc is never been a good idea as because they have limited bandwidth for each and every image which means when your image been viewed more many times it will auto get removed from that link and instead of your image it will show Bandwidth Exceeded.
But hosting images in Blogger.com is easy and have no bandwidth limit. And it gets hosted in Picasa.
Here’s how you can host images in Blogger.com
1. Go to Blogger.com
2. Login with your account (if you don’t have click here to know how to get one)
3. Go to Dashboard –> Design (on which you want to host) –> Page Elements
4. Click on Add a Gadget –> Picture
5. Deselect the Shrink to fit box
6. Now Choose File button
7. Navigate and select the image you want to upload
8. After your image fully gets upload, you will see the preview of that image
9. Right click on that image and select
i) Chrome : Open image in a new tab, then copy the URL
ii) Epic/FireFox : Copy Image Location
iii) Internet Explorer : Properties (a popup will open) now copy the Address (URL)
iv) Opera : Open Image
v) Safari : Copy Image Address
Now copy the link and use it where ever you want
All About Adobe Reader X (10) (More Security, Sticky Notes, Share Files And More)
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can share files using Adobe Reader X. Adobe finally released their new version of Adobe Reader X (10) most wanted software for PDF files. Here are the some features of the latest version of Adobe Reader X (10)
1. Batter security from Bad PDF files which can harm or steal your personal details
2. Make comment and stick note on documents
3. Read Mode option which give you a simple view to read files
4. Share any type (almost any type) files with your friends, colleagues, family members and etc which work on Adobe SendNow platform. It have basically all the same thing which SendNow web platform have. To know more about SendNow Click here
More About Protection and Security
Click here to download Adobe Reader X (10)
Which Is Right, “PDF Format” Or “PD Format”?
Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you about PDF. Probably all of you have used PDF files and probably all of you also calls it PDF Format (including me), which is wrong. Do you know what the full form of PDF is? See the below illustration to know more
And it just not you or me who use “PDF” as “PDF format” even Adobe also use “PDF” as “PDF format” on their official site.
Now can you tell what is wrong with PDF format, HTML language, ATM machine, SMS service, LCD display or HTTP protocol?
Illustration done by Geek & Poke, via Digital Inspiration