Hi! Everyone, hope you all are fine.
Today in this post I will tell you how you can open all links on in FeedDemon in your default web browser. When we click on any link while reading feed in FeedDemon it opens link in their in-built browser which work on Internet Explorer (IE). And sometimes when we have too many feeds in our FeedDemon, it makes FeedDemon work little slow so we need to right click and select Open in New Window to open that link in our default browser.

So if you prefer to make the link always open in your default browser even without doing right-click, follow these few steps
- Open FeedDemon
- Go to Tools –> Options –> FeedDemon Options… (or press F8 button from your keyboard)
- Click on Reading tab
- Check the Open external links in default browser instead of FeedDemon option under Browsing
- Then click on OK button

Now whenever you click on any links it will by default open in your default web browser. If you have any question or problem let me know.