If you are a kind of tech support person who always needed TeamViewer for some reasons but sometimes when you are out somewhere, you don’t have your computer with you and you urgently need to remotely access your client’s computer or you need to remotely access your home or office computer then how will you do?
You can go to your nearest cyber café where you can easily rent computers with internet connection but most of the cyber café owners don’t let you download anything on their computer as they worried about virus, malware and other such things.

So the solution for this is you can access any computer remotely using TeamViewer without downloading or kind of software. Yes you read it right, you don’t need software you can simply use any computer which has a web browser and flash player installed in it.
Simply go to login.teamviewer.com, get yourself an account (if you already don’t have one), login to your account and then there you will get the option to enter the ID and Password of your client or home/office computer (whichever computer you where trying to access via TeamViewer), as you enter the ID and Password and clicked on Connect button, within few seconds you will able to see and access remote computer.